Open house

Beer’s in the ‘fridge.

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38 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Damn shame. I thought the opening bars of that song were the best ever!

  2. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!HolyDebbieWasserman-SchultZ*!!! Yrs Trly has had a fast and furious experience and is meditating on the evolving sh$t found in BlackBerry’s 169,699 sq ft underground chamber Yrs trly discovered a trap door to a printing press area with legal illegal workers fastNfuriously printing Social Security cards bearing the name “Barrack Hussein Obama” plus birth certificates** accompanied by Draft registration cards of Barry Soetero aka BlackBerry*** with a box of school records and report cards most of which indicate the student never attended class but was beknighted with triple A plusses!! No wonder Yrs Trly cannon recall seeing BlackBerry in class@HarvardLaw Skool!! Look Yrs Trly has got to take a break to absord how BlackBerry is such a fake flake. Please Mr. Bog Administraitor do not leak any of this to D press or public. LATEST::Southern has escaped Gitmo following ultimate water board training and is now able to hold his breath for 17 hours straightOMG.
    *WIN a free date with her! Just correctly choose which planet she was born on.
    **with a Wanted picture of Sheriff Arapaho
    ***win a date with him! Just correctly choose which planet he was born on.

    ps: BlackBerry assed me 2 ass The Grant Guy if he had an extra room?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Sure I have a spare room, Spud. Tell BlackBerry he can send ofer the original originals of all his records now and I’ll lock them up tight. Then, when the people find out what a fake fake fakey faking faker he is, he can use my spare room to hide out. He’ll be safer with me in the 57th than with his buddy Hugo C. I have super-fast Internet he can use to organise all those union members and welfare recipients for his Popular Revolution.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        One condition though. He has to leave the diplomatic pouches and those god-awful princesses to the mob.moff with Moochelle’s head!

  3. Contempt says:

    Please Harvard shut the hell up you stupid idiot.

  4. mawm says:

    I’d read them very carefully before passing judgement. It might change your opinion on who the idiot is. ;-)

  5. Contempt says:

    :wtf :evil:

  6. KG says:

    :mrgreen: :whoop

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Contempt, part of Harvard’s cover is that he must come across like a blithering idiot. See, he was supposed to have been Barry’s classmate at Harvard Law Special Skool, and since Barry was supposed to be the smartest guy in the room, it wouldn’t do at all if Harvard wasn’t stoopid. There’s a book which decodes Harvard’s messages, but there’s only 1 copy and KG holds it. He may care to share it with you, but then again you’re kinda new around here, ainchya? So it’s still entirely possible you’re a Blackaberry-bot, or worse one of Moochelle’s Minions. We can’t be too careful, you understand.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Harvard Law or Harvard Lore?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        It’s a magical place where the mushrooms grow freely, it’s always snowing and the President of the Law Review is merely a titular head who isn’t expected to actually review any, you know, laws.

        Harvard Lore, Folk Lore, it’s all the same really.

    • WAKE UP says:

      It’s like the little old lady asking Fats Waller: “Mr Waller, what is j*zz?”; he replied, “Lady, if you have to ask, you’ll never know”.

      (mind you, given Waller’s legendary geniality, that story’s probably not true) :mrgreen:

      • WAKE UP says:

        In other words, Harvard requires no explanation, only a suspension of all critical faculties heh heh :whoop

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Not Harvard as such. There’s nothing wrong necessarily with Harvard Law Special Skool. It’s the Chimera in Chief that it spawned I have a problem with.

          • WAKE UP says:

            Sorry, Gantty, when I said “Harvard”, I meant our own good ol’ Harvard Potato-Head :oops:

  8. Rufus says:

    Contempt – relax. :cheers

    Spud is part of the furniture here.

    It took me a while to learn to appreciate him/her. The posts are funny to read, and occasionally you stumble across a hidden jewel. :idea:


    • HarvardPotatoHead says:

      !!!Holy TGG!!!Yrs Trly thanX U so very much for the room 4 BlackBerry BUT make sure that the walls are heavily padded BUT Diplomatic Pouches must go also BUT U must accept the ghost of Trayvon rip as an eternal companion. BlackBerry is mawm* OMG Yrs trly found anudder secret room connected to some vote counting company in Spain** tata gotta call of nature YRS trly HarvardPotatoHead***
      *mawm – most ass whipped man
      **Spain – do they speak espanol there and it it one of the 57 United Steaks of Whatsit
      ***Please refer to yrs trly by his full name

      • Contempt says:

        Rufus – “occasionally you stumble across a hidden jewel” yeah like his family jewels. It looks to me like Harvard stays up late at night doing BlackBerry’s coke.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Open house, eh…well, here are two depressing bits of recent news:

    1) the population of britain is rising, thanks to immmigration:
    2) British colonialism in the gun again (we’re still the world’s only villains):

    • KG says:

      One just gets numb to this crap, Wakey. And I guess that’s what allows the left to dominate public discourse. :evil:

  10. KG says:

    But it’ not their fault, apparently. :wtf
    ‘Black men who have sex with men (MSM) account for one in four new HIV infections, even though they represent only one in 500 Americans, the Black AIDS Institute said in its new report, “Back of the Line: The State of AIDS Among Black Gay Men in America 2012.”

    And why the hell is there such a thing as a BLACK AIDS Institute???

  11. KG says:

    ‘Obama Was ‘An Ardent Marxist Socialist’ in College

    Uh huh…where and when did he recant those views?

  12. KG says:

    ‘TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned by Illegal Alien’
    Too busy groping white American grannies to notice…

    Well they are getting food stamps now,so why not? :evil:

  13. The Gantt Guy says:

    Anyone wanna go see a movie?

  14. Darin says:

    Kenny over at Knuckledragging blog has shut his blog down :sad:

    Now where am I going to go for “Milffy Mondays”?

    • KG says:

      Start one here, Darin? Feel free–that way, me and Gantt can deny any connection with or responsibility for it. :popcorn

      • Darin says:

        Hmmmm…you know how my mind rambles…just last night I was over at the local Hospital waiting on pop to get booted out when I overheard the director and some gents trying to figure out what to do with the old building once they move into the new Hospital they built here.

        I suggested a combination indoor shooting range/roller derby/paintball facility with a nightclub/strip joint on the second floor,but sadly they just don’t share my vision :popcorn

        • KG says:

          :wtf The fools! No wonder the country’s going to hell in a handbasket–no vision.