‘BBC Gives Jerusalem to the Arabs

The BBC, ever mindful of British obligations to their swelling Muslim population, decided on its BBC Sport website to name the capital of every country participating in the London Olympic games except one: Israel. Even more incredibly, the site listed Palestine as a country and named its capital as East Jerusalem. But for Israel, a capital wasn’t even listed….’

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2 Responses to ‘BBC Gives Jerusalem to the Arabs

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Of course as well as pandering to their core constituency, it is ever-so fashionable among the enlivened far-left to advocate a Palestine = Victim, Israel = Evil Occupier position.

    And these fuckwits wonder why they’re losing market share at such a rapid rate.

  2. Darin says:

    Typical leftists,always giving away things that aren’t theirs. :gunner