where Wabbit stands:

I read today that Twitter was live with stories about “Limbaugh and Rush paraphernalia” being being found in the Batman shooter’s apartment. Whatever Limbaugh “paraphernalia” might be, the stories are most certainly a lie, since the police hadn’t even entered the apartment when they were being written.
Again and again we’re told that it’s wrong to describe leftists as evil or deranged, since that makes  communication between left and right impossible. Yet what other conclusion are we to draw from their behaviour? The consistently vicious lies, the smear tactics, the distortions and the misrepresentations aren’t the tactics of principled, sane people. They’re the tactics of unhinged cowards.

Leftists are afraid. Afraid of the big, scary world out there, afraid of personal responsibility (because that means responsibility for failure as well as success) afraid to leave the padded, warm womb of the rotten faith that they mistake for an ideology.
They view the warped history they’ve been taught by their similarly crippled teachers through the lens of blind hope and idiot resentment, fuelled by utterly unearned self-esteem and a childish wish that the world would conform to their wants and needs. And like spoiled children they become instantly bitter and resentful when the big bad world doesn’t fall at their little stamped foot…
Yes, they are the enemy. How else do we describe those who want to tear down what our fathers built, who denigrate what our forefathers did, who treat with contempt the institutions and customs and traditions which have served us so well for years –  sometimes centuries –  and wrap that contempt and disregard in the cloak of “social justice”?
They’re the enemy and I care not whether they’re evil or insane or simply ignorant–I detest the bastards regardless.

(you’ll just have to overlook or excuse the inelegant structure of this piece–I’m too pissed-off to care)

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40 Responses to where Wabbit stands:

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Well, at least you can rejoice in the news that thus far, the Victoria Sex PaArty has seven percent of the vote in the Melbourne by-election.

    Their slogan?

    Let’s fuck Victoria.

    • KG says:

      :shock: I thought Labor and the new “conservative” government had done that already, Adolf!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Actually, KG, the Labor government did a very good job on the contracts for their boondoggles. They prevented the John Key Ted Baillieu government from (for example) tearing up the agreement for the Desal Plant. The a,punt they would have had to pay out to get rid of it would have bankrupted the state.

        On top of that, the government was elected on a promise of getting rid of speed cameras on the freeways (there’s one every 10 feet or so and they bring in more revenue than those of NSW and QLD combined). Of course, once in office they realise they’ll go broke if they decommission them, so it turns out they’re not just a revenue cash-cow after all, but an important component of the road safety infrastructure which are contributing to bringing down the road toll.

  2. KG says:

    Actually, Victoria comes kinda pre-fucked. I dislike the place intensely. Too cold, too crowded, too socialist and too easy for Victorians to migrate interstate, bringing their rotten attitudes with them.
    It’d be fine if they just went to South Australia…. ;-)

    • Ronbo says:

      I’m from Melbourne, Florida USA, and while a trooper on my first tour of Germany in 1971, but actually met and shacked up with with a beautiful blond haired, blue eyed Aussie lass from Melbourne, Australia at the October Fest in Munich, where the names of our respect hometowns broke the ice.

      Long story short – she was a commie bitch looking to join RAF (Red Army Faction) and throw bombs at the American and British occupation forces in Germany. She believed that with her command of English and big boobs, she could get bomb into any Allied headquarters.

      Man, it is amazing what you learn after a little romp in the hay fueled by good German beer. Of course, knowing that I’m on to an intelligence coup of the first order by virture of being a sergeant in U,S, Army Military Intelligence, I played the role of the lonely G.I.s willing to do ANYTHING for the blond goddess! :mrgreen:

      So for the next week we did a tour of Southern Germany in my trusted BMW – with me wired up by Counter Intelligence (only during the day with my clothes on) – and we had conversation after conversation on sex, drugs, rock&roll, terrorism and communism (The poor lass simply loved LENIN and learned all about Leninism from Solzhenitsyn, but pretended ignorance and let her “convert” to the hive!)

      Anyhow, we end up in Garmish, Germany’s premier alpine resort near her highest mountain. The C.I. types told me to stay at the “General Patton Hotel” (This hotel was owned by the USG and rented excellent rooms at low prices to American and British troops on leave) in a “special room.”

      By this time, I’d had it with this chick because she was, quite frankly, a lousy lay, although she could hold her booze like trooper and never got sick. Also, she was getting P.O.’d with me due to my absences running the tapes back to my C.I. team and getting resupplies for the tape recorders, and me not being able to introduce her to one commie terrorist after over a week.

      So on our last morning together, I got up early and left “The Wire” in her drawer of the bureau while I went into the shower. Naturally she discovered it just about the time I was fully dressed and she screamed and cursed so loud, the C.I. guys next door charged in to save be from her. Man, could that woman bite, kick and curse!

      Fortunately for us, the backup to the backup (a mixed group of Military Police and German police came charging in next and finally secured the poor betrayed lady) who shortly disappeared from my life forever. I never out what happened to her, although the rumor was that after the Americans debriefed her with rubber hoses at the prison castle in Herzo, the Germans locked her up until the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and then frog marched her to a plane back to Melbourne, Australia.

      The name of the terrorist wanna-be is (was) Kathy Powers of Melbourne, Australia. I send her a postcard to her old address in Melbourne, but for some reason she never got back to me. :mrgreen:

      • KG says:

        :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Classic! I’ll be snickering for the next hour over that, Ronbo. :whoop
        I recall that lefties in Australia regarded Baader-Meinhof et al as a bunch of romantic revolutionaries, back in the day. No doubt there are grey-ponytailed fuckwits in academia who still do…..

      • Angus says:

        You STUD, Ronbo !

        • Ronbo says:

          Thank you very much, but I did notice in Germany that the high alcohol content of the beer allowed a G.I. to bed foreign tourist women quite easily…although the next morning both parties seeing one another sober for the first time usually didn’t make for long term relationships. :mrgreen:

          For every fox was a four mama bears, but we learned to play the odds. :mrgreen:

          Yes, in dear old Deutschland one learned quickly to avoid one night stands with the local gals – a good friend of mine In Berlin found himself being clearly blown away with a Lugar automatic by a jealous husband at 3 a.m.

          Of course, being a well trained infantryman he evaded the first volley of seven of eight rounds fired at him in a tiny bedroom. :mrgreen:

          Quote: “I was never so happy in my life to see the white mice.” (we called the German tactical police the “white mice” because of their white riot helmets) It would appear our American hero charged out of the apartment and raced down to the street with a crazy kraut banging away at him (he had extra mags) in the nude. :mrgreen:

          The various branches of the Berlin police quickly flooded the area thinking WW III had broken out and the Russians were coming, only to find a naked G.I. running around a city park being shot at by a very angry red faced German civilian (now on his 4th of 5th mag – a lousy shooter for sure!)

          Another quote: “Ronbo, didn’t they tell us at the in-briefing for Berlin Brigade that Germany had strict gun control?” :mrgreen:

          Aside from considerable property damage and minor injuries no serious human physical damage. Our First Sergeant got my buddy out of jail the next day, and the white mice were very sad because they didn’t get a chance to beat the crap out of him.

          The love bird German couple?

          I would imagine still doing community service. :mrgreen: They had to dig the lead out of all the trees in the park. The problem was WW II had put lots of lead in those trees. :mrgreen:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The truly sad thing, Ronbo, is that were she so inclined, she could stand for the State Parliament, boast of her “freedom fighting” past, and would easily get elected. I’ve lived in Melbourne, VIC, Aus for 10 years now, and it really is a leftist shithole.

  3. MIchael in Nelson says:

    You are dead right about the Left being full of fear KG. This from American Thinker explains it the best I’ve seen.


    • KG says:

      Beautiful! Just spot-on, Michael. Thanks for that. It’s full of quotable stuff, but I especially liked:
      “Today’s ever-expanding “entitlement mentality” is literally shamelessness elevated to the status of a moral code. Progressivism has created an entire euphemistic vocabulary to justify the unabashed demand that others sacrifice their liberty to save me from my childish fear of facing life as an adult. “Positive rights,” “social justice,” “redistributive justice,” “creative individuality,” and so on, are all part of the leftist lexicon of cowardice…’

    • rivoniaboy says:

      Great writing – says it all really.

    • mawm says:

      That’s a great essay. I’d adapt the FDR phrase to “all we have to fear is our politicians”.

      I’m re-reading Atlas Shrugged. It is even more appropriate today than ever before. Rand shows a very acute prescience.

  4. MikeH. says:

    @ Wabbit

    Bravo!!! I totally concur.

    • KG says:

      Thanks, Mike. :smile: Sometimes it can be easy to forget that there are a lot of friends and allies out there.

  5. KG says:

    From a Michael Coren video clip over at Francis Porretto’s:
    ‘my fate is in God’s hands–but your liberties are in yours”.

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Absolutely agree, KG, and bloody well said!

    Leftists, as we know, are free from such burdens as reason and logic, so they have the benefit of winning any argument merely by screaming “RRRAAACCCCCCIIIIISSSSSSSTTTT!!!!!” or “SHUT UP!!!!”.

    The person who shot Gabrielle Giffords was a right-wing nutcase Fox-watching Tea Party member ardent leftist, who didn’t think Ms Giffords was sufficiently socialist in her views and needed to be punished.

    George Zimmerman was a “white hispanic” right-wing nutcase, gun-toting racist who killed Trayvon Martin after “profiling” him registered Democrat, who got caught up in a tragic situation where he had to harm someone who was causing him harm.

    The Colorado shooter was a Tea Party Member [unknown, at this time, but definitely NOT a member of the local Tea Party Patriots as ABC first stated].

    And of course, it was leftists, mainly in the media, who managed to get a Kendonesian (™) rent-boy elected President.

    Of course, all of the above situations are tragedies. Mostly, we mock leftists because, well, they’re just so funny. Check out the Chrissie Tingles grab in the latest Kruiser Control:


  7. KG says:

    Thanks, GG.
    You know, I’d never seen Kruiser control…that could become addictive. :lol:

  8. Darin says:

    Well said KG,the knee jerk from these killings is always over the top and the lefts attempts to link everything evil in the world to the right is nothing short of disgusting.
    I don’t really like new laws being added to the books,but if we had one where the media isn’t allowed to comment on things they know nothing about then the dailey news casts would be less than 5 minutes in duration.And even then the stories would likely be limited to ones about lost puppies and water skiing squirels.

    The rampant speculation and pure bull shit thrown out by the talking heads is just criminal mis-information.And it still continues this morning with one of them commenting that-“an AK47 shotgun can crank off 60-70-100 rounds per minute”AK47 shotgun?Excuse me,do you mean a Saiga 12 shotgun?If so,no it won’t and quit lying to us.

    Of all the comments I have read in the last day and a half the best one was on the fallacy of blaming the gun-
    “when you make a mistake in spelling Is the pencil to blame?”

    Besides the obvious logic it points to another fact,that the left is always looking to blame someone or something else when the SHTF.

    • KG says:

      :shock: I knew these clowns were ignorant, and invent stuff, but…but..an AK47 shotgun??
      Jesus wept….they know nothing about even that which they’re terrified of.

      • Darin says:

        Their brilliance is only exceeded by their stupidity.

        • mawm says:

          It is not a mistake, it is all to get the message in the brains of the great unwashed first because that is the image that sticks, and the more horrific they cane make a gun sound the better.

          I would wager my left one that the majority of Americans would say that Gifford was shot by a right-wing nut…..solely because that is the message they got first. :rant

          • Darin says:

            I dunno Mawm,I don’t think most folks here would even know who she is even after all the publicity from the shooting.
            Now Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber,well everybody knows who they are :roll:

  9. dondiego says:

    Read a comment on an American blog: White man murders 50- world goes crazy [delayed opening in Paris etc], yet EVERY weekend 50 Blacks murder 1-3 people each and nothing is ever said about it.

  10. Moist von Lipwig says:

    where Wabbit stands:

    Well you certainly don’t stand alone KG.
    “(you’ll just have to overlook or excuse the inelegant structure of this piece–I’m too pissed-off to care)”
    Meh…made total sense to me, more power to your pen.

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    The Brian Ross incident was so cynical and calculated, if Ross had any honor he would as a minimum, resign. The thing is, it was deliberate. Just like the Giffords shooting. Get in early and connect the shooting in the viewers’ “minds” with the Tea Party Movement. It doesn’t matter what happens later. The connection is made. In fact, I wonder how many ABC viewers (both of them, probably) are still thinking “yeah, they issued an apology for legal technical reasons, but that guy must be somehow connected to the Tea Party Movement, or Brian Ross wouldn’t have said it in the first place.”

  12. KG says:

    “The liberty the citizen enjoys is to be measured not by governmental machinery he lives under, whether representative or other, but by the paucity of restraints it imposes upon him.” — Herbert Spencer
    So—how’s your liberty looking, right now?
    Wabbit is wading his way through yet more paperwork at the moment, simply so he can bring his rifle from the dealer. :evil:

    • Darin says:

      And that is what they really want.They don’t give a rats ass about the guns themselves or the people who own them.If they did they would be down at the local government housing project searching apartments door to door.

      Nope,it’s the paperwork and all the bureaucrats that go with it is what they want.They want forms filed in triplicate for every shot fired no matter the reason.

      I set a Brit straight last night,he was claiming that Britain has no such problem with mass murder as they have strict gun laws there as opposed to no laws here.He was wrong on both counts-

      Most of those massacres were carried out with legally owned guns.The reason why?No one can legislate away a deranged mind simple as that.

  13. oswald bastable says:

    A few inconvienient questions asked here:


    Alos- surprise, surprise- the cinema was another ‘no guns’ establishment (I was wondering why nobody returned fire…)

  14. Rufus says:

    The knee-jerk reactions from the left to “ban guns” piss me off.

    Vox Day’s take on things.
