Britain. The downward spiral continues….

Two headlines in the Brit online Telegraph, the second directly below the first!
The foreign criminals we don’t try to deport
250 foreign criminals who should have been deported were allowed to stay in UK without their claims being challenged…’
Commonwealth soldiers face deportation
Commonwealth soldiers are facing deportation and destitution under new rules which deny them British citizenship.’
This is what decay and collapse looks like.

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30 Responses to Britain. The downward spiral continues….

  1. kowtow says:

    I saw that too.
    Nothing short of disgusting.Unbelievable. And this under a so called “conservative” administration.

  2. WAKE UP says:

    Utterly depressing.

  3. Octagongrappler says:

    Sorry guys but this on tv this morning aarrrgghhhh…………

    • kowtow says:

      I hate how tey keep talking about “multiculturalism”as a given and good thing.

      Chinese immigrants will look to China as motherland,20% of Indians will potentially be Muslim. A good thing?

      • Octagongrappler says:

        But we cant see the UK as the motherland….

        • KG says:

          Hell, no! Bunch of white colonialist oppressors.

          • Angus says:

            This snivelling little weasel Spoonley is hardly an “independent” academic in the immigration debate. He is one of those nutty left-wing globalists who takes funding from UNESCO to push multiculturalism as a panacea for the world.

  4. kowtow says:

    With respect to the commonwealth soldiers another sign of decay and decline is when a country can’t get it’s own citizens to fight for it.
    Mind you I wouldn’t blame anyone for not joining up for Blairs’ adventurism and getting killed or maimed in some Middle eastern shit hole.

  5. Octagongrappler says:

    Im thinking its almost time for another uncontrolled immigration thread part 2 :mrgreen:

  6. KG says:

    I smell a rat:
    “AUSSIE beach volleyballers will have to play in warmer gear at the Olympics because some of their games are scheduled for 11pm.”
    The Brits couldn’t possibly be pandering to their muslim masters, could they?

  7. mawm says:

    The Decline and Fall of the British Empire continues……………… the Japies put them to the sword at the Oval. Tsk, tsk. Even having half their team from SA they can’t put up a decent bowling attack. :whoop

    • Octagongrappler says:

      And the black caps are several japies as well:) And the last 2 miss NZ winners..

      Its a bloody outrage… :rant

      • mawm says:

        Just can’t keep us down….. :whoop

        BTW I really miss the SA beauties that used be found on Clifton’s 4th beach. Stunning………….and barely clothed. :shock: :shock: :popcorn :oops:

  8. KG says:

    Come to Queensland, Mawm….we have more than a few of the same. ;-)

  9. Octagongrappler says:

    Running Bare/Bear hehehe :mrgreen:

  10. octagongrappler says:


  11. kowtow says:

    Will this man never go away?
    I reckon Labour are manouevering for the next election,to fool the idiots who voted for them previously now that the Islamic and immigration cats re truely out of the bag, Milibnd was making conciliatory noises about the immigration fiasco too.
    How stupid do they think the electorate are? having said that there’s a hardcore 30% who will alwys vote for other peoples money.

    • octagongrappler says:

      Liarbor will continue the invasion via immigration agenda for sure. It is a clear agenda a CLEAR agenda. Why would all countries in the Anglosphere want such mass migration of people from the 3rd world.

      This is a plan being carried out… :rant

      • KG says:

        And I just had a beer with a guy who is a life-long Labor voter, who voted for Gillard and Bligh and says he’ll continue to vote Labor “because they’re all the same”.
        So why vote Labor, if they’re all the same? He couldn’t tell me. :wtf