So, you think you’re a free individual?

‘..Effective disagreement means not doing what one does not want to do as well as saying what he wants to say. What is from one angle the welfare state is from another the compulsory state. Let me submit a bill of particulars. Children are forced to go to school. Americans are forced to pay taxes to support foreign aid, forced to support the Peace Corps, forced to make loans to the United Nations, forced to contribute to the building of hospitals, forced to serve in the armed forces. Employers are forced to submit to arbitration with labor leaders. Laborers are forced to accept the majority decision. Employers are forced to pay minimum wages, or go out of business. But it is not even certain that they will be permitted by the courts to go out of business. Railroads are forced to charge established rates and to continue services which may have become uneconomical. Many Americans are forced to pay Social Security. Farmers are forced to operate according to the restrictions voted by a majority of those involved. The list could be extended, but surely the point has been made…’

Dr. Clarence Carson, quoted by Francis Porretto in his post ‘The Desiccated Remains’

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5 Responses to So, you think you’re a free individual?

  1. Andrei says:

    And this from the department of – Oh FFS :roll:

  2. KG says:

    Perhaps if the parents were raising the boy with a decent level of discipline and consideration for others, somebody else wouldn’t have needed to do the job for them… :rant
    I’m sick and tired of parents who expect others to tolerate the ill-mannered brats they produce.

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Further evidence that the plot has been completely lost:

    Motels can now become instant brothels, against their owners’ wishes / principles.

  4. KG says:

    ‘Prosecutors mistakenly release confidential Zimmerman evidence’

    Strange, how nobody has ever “mistakenly” released Obama’s college records….