‪Bill Whittle on the Sarah Palin Haters‬

At around the twelve minute mark, Whittle really nails it. And I urge those people who talk about conservatives “maintaining their moral position” to watch and listen, because maintaining a moral position in the face of unadulterated evil is a recipe for defeat. It’s the hinge upon which all else swings and the most certain way to hand victory to the filth who would enslave us. We can discuss morals after these bastards are swinging by the neck.

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12 Responses to ‪Bill Whittle on the Sarah Palin Haters‬

  1. Darin says:

    This is why I hate Republican elites more than I do Democrats,the bastards are the highest form of traitors.

    I’ve been calling for a purge for years now in the Republican party.The “middle of the road” repub elites need to be sent packing.They have done nothing but f— things up for decades now and it’s all the reason any thinking conservative needs to kick their sorry asses to the curb-we don’t need them period.

    • Ronbo says:

      Memo to Darin from the resistance:

      We are working on that even as I type these, but it’s going to take a few more election cycles before the GOP is purged of the RINO herd.

      In the meanwhile, please enjoy the lovely sounds of the death rattles of the former Republican elite, as one by one they are eaten alive by the TPM (Tea Party Movement)… :whoop

      In Cyber Space EVERYONE can hear you scream in terror! :mrgreen:

      • Darin says:

        Oh yes Ron,the Tea Party took over lock,stock and barrel the Republican committee here in Missasippy.The former leadership was so clueless they didn’t even know it happened until they all lost their seats in the last committee election.

        Now the Tea Party has the say in who gets the party backing in an election.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Like Rush Limbaugh says, “you can always tell who the American Left fears the most by their attacks on that person.” :twisted: – and judging by the mere fact of Sarah Palin’s continued existence as an outspoken patriot drives Leftists into fits of foaming at the mouth and carpet chewing rage, :mrgreen: the Right is on track for the final solution of the socialist problem by electing her president. :mrgreen: Hence, in short order tens of millions of American Leftists will simply drop stone cold DEAD from heart attacks. :popcorn :mrgreen:

    Hey now, dead is dead no matter how we do it. :mrgreen:

  3. K2 says:

    If you want to support Bill Whittle, I suggest going to his website and either joining Declaration Entertainment, or purchase his DVD – Firewall What We Beleive.
    I went with the DVD and I intend to show it to as many people as possible.


    • The Gantt Guy says:

      K2, that “What We Believe” series perfectly articulates the plan to return the world to a modicum of sanity. I’ve directed several people to billwhittle.net and suggested they watch, but I never knew about the DVD. I’ll add it to my List Of Things To Buy!

  4. ” We can discuss morals after these bastards are swinging by the neck.” :whoop

    Now-now- that’s not nice!

    Don’t you just hate that take from our ‘nice’ RINOs and their followers!
    No More Nice!

    • KG says:

      If there’s a more humane way to stop the anti-liberty, anti-life gang, Carol, I’m open to suggestions. ;-)

      • Actually-“…swinging by the neck …” is good for me!

        BTW-‘swiped’ the video by Whittle…

        • Darin says:

          I e-mailed the Romney camp and suggested they use this as their theme song,since Alice is a fellow Republican he should be cool with it :popcorn


          • JohnH says:

            Hi KG
            Amazing but unfortunately true…….sometimes I lose heart….. I think the majority are too thick and indoctrinated and too burdened by the cares of everyday life to make a difference. The odds against us are huge.
            Thx for what you are doing!!!
            Christ is risen video was good!!