The U.N……self-satirising moral idiots:

‘..The election of a Sudanese warlord accused of genocide to the United Nations Human Rights Council is now virtually guaranteed, since he has the full backing of the world body’s African delegation.
The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for Omar Al-Bashir — its first ever for a sitting head of state — for crimes against humanity he allegedly committed in Darfur. Yet, his regime is set to take its place on the panel, in the latest bizarre appointment to make a mockery of the UN’s human rights credibility, according to critics.
It’s like putting “Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch….
Yet our political masters sign us up to treaties devised by this bunch of thugs, tyrants and criminal buffoons!

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7 Responses to The U.N……self-satirising moral idiots:

  1. Darin says:

    I heard a new one the other day-“don’t attribute to malice that which can best be explained by stupidity”

    The UN is a combination of glaring corruption and blinding stupidity at best or simply a force for unadulterated evil at worst.It pisses me off that my tax money goes to support that bunch of useless a–holes.

    • mawm says:

      Useless A-holes with an agenda to take over your life and get you to work for them while they merrily go on their way pretending the 3rd World behaves like the First/New World, respects human life, women, children and animals, and have any form of moral code what-so-ever. Did I mention a compassionate religion? Anyway, they want you to work for them so they can continue destroying you. Where’s Ayn Rand when we need her? I’m seriously considering doing the Altlas Shrugged thing and taking myself out of the work/tax loop. :rant mawm

      • KG says:

        Whis is fine–until they come for your retirement funds, Mawm. And they surely will.

        • Anonymous says:

          They don’t need to come for any funds as their quantative easing will ensure what might just get me through today will not be enough to buy my daily bread tomorrow. mawm

  2. pompuss says:

    And I, stupid cat, thought that having male managers of womens’ sports teams was an unecessary step too far. Clearly I’m an innocent. Or am I thick?