Back off, Conroy, you statist prick.

‘FEDERAL Communications Minister Stephen Conroy insists Facebook should have taken down a racist page that portrayed Aborigines as drunks who sniff petrol and bludge on welfare.
The creator removed content from the Aboriginal Memes Facebook page following a barrage of complaints to Facebook, the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Australian Human Rights Commission.
But Mr Conroy says Facebook itself should have acted to shut down the site.
“I think it’s absolutely inappropriate,” he told ABC TV on Wednesday.
“We don’t live by American laws here in Australia, we live by Australian laws and this is an Australian who is using the fact that Facebook is based in the US to get away from Australian laws.”..’
This is the man who wants to see the internet censored and anything other than the leftist media muzzled. Who said nothing when Christian pastors were persecuted by a government authority in Victoria merely for quoting (accurately) the Koran. Who said nothing when a journalist was persecuted and silenced under “hate speech” laws when he spoke nothing but the simple truth. No wonder the odious piece of shit prefers Australian laws to America’s First Amendment!

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One Response to Back off, Conroy, you statist prick.

  1. Katie says:

    I thought Aborigines were drunks, glue-sniffers, welfare abusers and killed their children. Am I wrong and how am I wrong?
