‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

‘…If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them nor will release his own), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.
It’s time for Mitt to go on the attack and call Obama’s bluff.
The really interesting, crucially important question, of course is… why has no Republican done this already?

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16 Responses to ‘The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Because His Imperial Majesty (by way of His lapdog Reid) demanding Romney’s tax returns is valid questioning during the campaign. Whereas, anybody asking to see His Imperial Majesty’s college records, or SSN, or birth certificate, or the names of his gay lovers, is RAAAACCCCIIIIIISSSSSTTTTTT!!!!

  2. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Yes. I’ve thought this for a long time. Obama’s a ‘born again’ American.
    First, he was born in Kenya when he needed a scholarship, then he was born in Hawaii when he decided to run for president. :whoop

  3. Katie says:

    I heard from a friend in Nevada that Harry Reid has a Mistress or is that a Mattress? I know he has one or the other. He should come clean.


    • Darin says:

      Worse still I heard the word is out Harry Reid has AIDS,or it could be aides,either way he needs to show ten years worth of his health records :rant

  4. mawm says:

    Not the Nine O’Clock News……actually something that is not being reported by the MSM in NZ.

    Climate skeptics vs alarmists court case…..
    This is a legal case asking for discovery of documents, which is much harder to dodge than a simple FOI. Yet NIWA are putting in an Olympic effort to hide what the Australian BOM have said about their work……..

    The NIWA practice is so bad, that even the Australian BOM can’t return the favor and pretend to say something good about it…

    ……a 400% exaggeration of the observed trend. :wtf

    All the documents, reports, contracts and parliamentary statements that relied on the New Zealand Temperature Record, are surely now begging to be challenged

    This is the same exemplary documentation of Anthropogenic Global Warming used by the UN IPCC, the PM’s scientific advisor, Dr Gluckman, and the NZ Prime Minister.

    What do say Adolf? :roll:

    Read the whole article at:-

    Another good attack on the ‘religion of global warming’ from Alan Caruba at:-


    • KG says:

      :whoop Brilliant stuff, Mawm. :lol: The wheels have fallen off, it’s just that the driver refuses to notice the fact.

  5. mawm says:

    And so the carnage continues…….

    ….by grabbing and breaking her shoulder, and injuring with intent to injure by stomping on her pelvis and shattering it………..and that he threw her against the wall of the living room.

    This is on a 2 year old. Sickening. :sad:


    • Ronbo says:

      I have been blogging on the white genocide in Southern Africa for the last eight by communist/nazi/racist blacks of the ANC.

      Of course, here in the good ole USA, I have documented an ever growing number of black racist violence against whites.

      And we are seeing whites attacked in other places like Canada, Australia and New Zealand by racist colored people with Leftist regimes acting as Enablers.

      Clearly, the bottom line is that a new type of National Socialism is sweeping the planet with the colored races replacing the “Aryans” as the “Master Race” with the goal of the destruction of the white race starting with the white South Africans and the Jews.

      The black racist statists may be successful in southern Africa, but I predict such an outcome will result in the destruction of much of the colored races, as the whites of the world aren’t going down easy.

      • Katie says:

        Here in the US you will discover that most of the large gang violence against whites is in states that have very strict gun control. Take away gun control, allow conceal carry and the violence goes away.

        There is a solution to all of this:

        Give these wastes of Human flesh reperations. 10,000 cash and a one-way ticket back to Africa. They can never return to the US.

        90% of all Blacks will take this up, and the problem is solved.

  6. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!!Holy.Crap.org!!!Didst thou readeth the latest from a klassmate of D class of ’83@CoRumbia Universityeth? A halfass thinker could spot that fake author anywhere Bcause yrs v. trly knows that the President* was there – He told me. There is no doubt about that!!!OMG!!! Yrs v. trly knows for a fact dat BlackBerry was at Harvard in yrs v. trly’s same class. It is just that my memory fails me on 2 much about BlackBerry. Downherein @ the 169,069 sq ft undergraound White Hose things R restfull, dope’s good, fresh afganny opium @ smoke WOW!! & new legal illegal women under 30 in fact some of the best onez are under 18!!!GASP!!gottaGO tata here comes Diplomatic Pouch!!!gimme shelter!!!Yrs Verily Trulily Har

    *btw BB is with Senn Penn @ Norieaga’s celebration hossin’ it up with the senoritas

  7. Flashman says:

    It’s remarkable that the US media have the turgid will to track n’ trace all of Tiger Woods’ girlfriends within 24 hours, but refuse to go near Big Zero’s fetid pre-history including that which would otherwise be unremarkable public domain information available to anyone with an internet connection and 5 minutes to spare on Google.

    Big Zero is the biggest fraudulent con-job in American presidential history. Yet Americans generally don’t seem to bother very much about the need to put disinfecting sunlight on the problem. Odd that. Very odd.