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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Anonymous on No, Jimmy Carter was a horrible president
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Busy? Welding Cattle? :whoop
Meanwhile on Mars-
Oh,the long awaited joyful day is here,my parts came in!Backordered six weeks because of Obama! :rant But they are finally here!
Meet the new member of the family-
Paper punch in .223″ 3330 fps not seen in the pic is the other 8 inches of CroMo bull barrel goodness
Complete with *vintage* 3-9×42 Redfield Tracker scope.
I owned a nice 22-250 once upon a time, which was even a flatter shooter than that.
Happy days
Loaded with 5.56 xm855 milspec it’s a different animal though
Had a .220 swift once,flat shooter there too.
“A magazine fed, gas operated, semi automatic or automatic shoulder weapon with a maximum effective range of 350 meters…”
The only thing I didn’t like about it was having to clean it morning, noon and night in the field.
Also, the U.S. Army would only issue the 20 round mags in the 1960s/70s..
Of course, the Leftists in our outfit always said the commie AK 47 was better – and maybe it is for a third world dumb ass who keeps dropping it in the mud and expecting it to fire – but for the well trained American soldier, the “black monster” – the little gun that makes the big holes – is the way to go when it’s time to rock and roll.
It’s a “Son of Stoner” AR Ron,went with a 24″ heavy varmit barrel since I like to get my moneys worth on powder.I’m limited to semi-auto so 20rd mags make the most sense for me,not as many people want them so they can be had cheap.
Eugene Stoner was brilliant in designing his gas system.My neighbor is a class III holder and has an original XM16A1 that runs full auto.It’s been said an M16 running 700 rpm will hold a 16″ group while an AK running 600rpm can hit the side of a Barn if it’s inside the barn:mrgreen:
Next on my list if I can’t find a decent FAL kit is an AR-10 aka the rifle that should have been.If Stoner’s boss at Fairchild hadn’t insisted on the unproven composite barrel you would have had a serious battle rifle to bring death with.
NASA is hiding this photo. Had to go through a great deal to release it:
.223??? lots of rabid poodles around your way is there, Darin? :popcorn
Not anymore
It’s not the size of the gun that matters,it’s the number of Tacks you can drive with it at 300yds that counts
Besides,I got the Ruskies for the crude work
Europe is sleepwalking towards imminent disaster
The euro has completely broken down as a workable system and faces collapse with “incalculable economic losses and human suffering” unless there is a drastic change of course, according to a group of leading economists…’
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The truth is the monumental scale of the problems facing the beleaguered nations in euroland is moving to a new, dangerous level.
Wonder what happens to all those asylum seekers once the govmin’t checks run dry?Should be interesting :popcorn
Can anyone say: “The tap is dry”?
I suppose the riots will be fun to watch.
Ya,and probably right outside our front doors over here too Katie.
That’s the crux,if we fall Europe goes with us and vise verse.
Somebody is preparing for riots……….. :gunner :gunner :gunner
Like I said before, the latest “Tower of Babel” drama is just about ready to fall down.
Remember the big socialist “New World Order” plan of the 1990s, so beloved by President George Bush The Elder?
First the European Union…
Next the North American Union…
And so forth…until all independent nation-states cease to exist.
Lastly: The Big Global Union!
This goes against God’s Will – God loves nations and that’s why he created so many of them on this little blue planet – this way no single tyrant/ideology can rule the world.
…and in those nations where tyranny rules, the people can always escape the iron boot by fleeing to the Free World.
Political cartoonist Larry Pickering …, who has published the stories pertaining to Ms Gillard’s involvement in her former boyfriend’s alleged embezzlement of Australian Workers Union funds, at his website ‘Pickering Post’, said he was not afraid of any repercussions. “I’m that sure of the facts, I’m standing on my front door waiting for someone to come with a writ. I wish they would, because I’ve got stuff that would break this wide apart,” he said….
Larry Pickering told Derryn Hinch his sources which included current and former employees of law firm Slater & Gordon, a former employer of Ms Gillard, and members of the ALP. Mr Pickering forecast Ms Gillard’s departure from the Prime Ministership within a matter of weeks, saying he was waiting on some ‘explosive’ material from the police which he would obtain under Freedom of Information laws.
This has been picked up back in Britain;
The poster is a little cagey, but the suggested evidence seems quite solid.
If she goes is there any chance of repealing some of the more Moonbat laws? I am thinking of the carbon tax scam primarily.
I enjoy your open forums, but the virtual beer, while non fattening, isn’t that satisfying. :whoop
Try Coors Light…Less than 100 calories per 12 oz can!
Coors = Rocky Mountin Koolaid
New Castle Ale,now that’s good beer :cheers
This is not the country that produced the Duke of Wellington and Admiral Nelson, indeed it is not.
I am entitled to live in a house like this’: Jobless mother-of-seven insists her family ‘deserve’ £1.25MILLION taxpayer-funded home they ‘trashed’
I read that, and felt like puking.
Never fear Andrei..
The British Monarchy shall rise again.
LOL – not while the heir to the throne talks to plants and expresses the desire to be a tampon
I saw that the otherday and said “look at that,they finally found the old dears a nice home” Wonder have the kids sold the furniture yet? :popcorn
Valerie Jarrett http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/08/obamas_strange_dependence_on_valerie_jarrett_comments.html#disqus_thread
as if you needed more horror stories
One fat Kraut and his stomach, against the NZ Special Tactics Group and their assault rifles.
I’d take those odds, were I the Kraut.
On an entirely frivolous note, we’re off to the shores of the Gulf (of Carpentaria) in a few weeks, for some serious fishing. It’s magical country up there.