
Home detention for man who broke baby’s legs
A child advocate is disgusted a Napier man has been given a year’s home detention for breaking the legs of his baby.
James Hall admitted last year bending back the legs of his five-month-old baby and squeezing her hard against his body, causing fractures in both legs and a break in her shin…’

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20 Responses to Sigh….

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Just don’t cheat on your taxes!

    THAT the govenment takes a dim view on…

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      ‘The president of the New Zealand Union of Students Associations, Pete Hodkinson, said the “extreme measures about to be taken to chase down New Zealand graduates who are gaining overseas experience are symptomatic of a Government that is prepared to treat graduates as if they were in the same category as tax-evading criminals or worse”.’

      Mr Hodkinson, your colleagues who knowingly refuse to repay their student loans *are* worse than tax-evading criminals. They have borrowed money knowing they have the debt and they refuse to repay it. Tax-evading criminals in most cases set out merely to avoid (as opposed to evade) their tax obligations* and either overstepped the line between the two, or have been so punished with penalties and interest they have no hope of ever paying the money back!

      *It being the righteous obligation and moral duty of every man to pay the absolute minimum amount of tax which he legally must. Anybody who pays more tax than they absolutely must is a fool, who thoroughly deserves to be parted from his money.

      • Cadwallader says:

        If this idiot Hodkinson had ever held a real job or run a business he’d think differently. I do not accept that there ought be any tolerance granted students who try to welsh on their loans…this is growing up and being accountable 1.01!

  2. Darin says:

    “Man who broke baby’s legs” only one word-Woodchipper! :evil:

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      Sadly, (or not so sadly :smile: ) I think you’re right Darin.
      Calls for heavier sentencing are not the answer to these hideous crimes.
      To be deterred, assholes like this have had to have reached a certain level of morality, and be capable of a certain level of thought process. The Halls of this world mostly lack those capabilities. :twisted:

      • Darin says:

        I figure “humane” treatment should be reserved for humans and this POS by his actions isn’t one.

    • Katie says:

      To easy. Hanging, Drawing and Quartering…. and even that is too easy.

      :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant

  3. tom says:

    Reading the full account of the case,the female judge started the sentencing process at 3 years 3 months prison then gave 20% off due to his age (hes 20) 25% off for guilty plea.This then apparently brings the sentence to just under 2Years so she can now give home detention.This she states is really tough on people.How do these people live with themselves.Stupid bitch should have her legs broken.

    • Andrei says:

      Visualize the punishment you think might be appropriate

      • Darin says:

        Blocked in my “country due to copywright”

        Oh well I have a vivid imagination-Vlad the Impaler? :twisted:

        • Andrei says:

          Blocked in my “country due to copywright”

          Doncha ya know you are living in the land of the free?

          FFS it aint a Hollywood movie how can an American have copyright over a Russian movie?

          It’s a gruesome scene from Taras Bulba, a gory book which was made into a movie by Hollywood years and years ago and starred Yul Bryner. But they changed it all around I’m told and gave it a happy ending which it doesn’t have. This version is just about word perfect from the text – with a slight addition to put some sex into the plot.

          • Darin says:

            “Doncha ya know you are living in the land of the free?”

            *Free* or a $1.98? It’s amazing what they copywright these days.

        • Ciaron says:

          More like a Catherine Wheel… with a hook.

      • tom says:

        Looks about right.

  4. mawm says:

    How about this little bit at the end of the piece in the Herald…..

    Meanwhile, Hall’s former employer, having listened to months of “explanations” as he helped Hall before learning of the child abuse and charges only after the admissions in May, is stunned the convicted man is now suing him for wrongful dismissal.

    It was a seasonal layoff, he said…….

    Actually I wouldn’t waste my woodchipper on him , but there is a vise in my workshop that his balls will fit in. It might just be a bit tight…. :popcorn

  5. Mark.V. says:

    At least he didn’t get name suppression, we know who he is.

  6. Darin-woodchipper sounds good for the debris (will not call him human)

    as to the video being removed–

    Is it time to look for another country !
    : – ) ) – :