Surrendering our borders:

Via Andrew Bolt:
‘..But overall, the report released today is vindication for the Opposition. Turning back boats could be “effective, says Houston, , Nauru should be reopened and the Malaysian people swap needs more protections built it.
Problem is, does the report give too much away?
The panel also wants a huge increase in our refugee intake from 13,750 to 20,000 immediately, and then over five years to 27,000.
Why? So that people coming on boats will figure they’ve got a good chance of getting accepted the easy way. They won’t come in on boats any more, but planes.
This is a surrender, with a big budget consequences:
– an increase in the Humanitarian Program from its current level of 13,750 places per annum to 20,000 places per annum would cost in the order of $1.4 billion over the forward estimates;..’
Given the level of anger among ordinary Australians about the way the country is being transformed without them even being asked, one has to wonder what is driving the legal and illegal immigration. I believe there are two factors in play here: The U.N. and business lobbysists who want a source of cheap labour. That it fits perfectly with the left’s loathing of traditional Australian values is merely a bonus from their point of view.

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5 Responses to Surrendering our borders:

  1. mawm says:

    Surrendering our country here in NZ as well! This link to John Ansell’s “Treatygate” campaign might be a good post on the Treaty con…….and draw in some extra supporters. Cheers :cheers

  2. KG says:

    Thanks for the link, Mawm.
    The dismantling of borders is occurring all across the West and only across the West.
    Strange, that…

    • mawm says:

      When whites go to other countries and install democracy, an administration, hospitals, schools, etc, it’s called “colonisation”. When 3rd worlders go to a Western country and sponge, assault, rape, etc, it’s called “cultural enrichment”. Strange. :wtf

  3. mexican drug cartels-gun running supported by US- the truth is sometimes easy to find—follow the $$$$$

  4. Richard says:

    I don’t believe business is part of this. Businesses need skilled staff who work hard, not illiterate non-English-speaking savages who believe things only get made “allah willing”. And there are very few manual labour jobs left – most of them are in China now. This is, in my opinion, is the UN destroying sovereignty and the Left ensuring a voting base until the UN can take over.

    When the revolution comes we’re going to need a longer wall.