Soft touch Australia–provided you’re not white and working, that is..

‘HUNDREDS of Indian students are paying criminals for fake work references to get Australian residency in a racket worth millions of dollars…’

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9 Responses to Soft touch Australia–provided you’re not white and working, that is..

  1. WAKE UP says:

    Everyone wants to get into that awful, sinful place called The West, and by illegal means if they have to. Amazing but true :evil:

    • Katie says:

      Then they change it to become the hellholes that they come from, forcing the rest of society to conform to their ways not adopt our ways.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Termites is what they are, Katie. Eating away at the walls, floors, ceilings and foundations of the great, prosperous and civil society our forefathers won for us with their blood.

        And far too many of us believe we can successfully co-exist with the termites. :rant

  2. Flashman says:

    The same demographic is pulling the same rort in NZ.

    • KG says:

      So much for the Libz bullshit claim that private organizations would manage immigration better.

  3. Cadwallader says:

    I was in the Peoples’ Republic of Western Australia last week. At a social gathering I was told that as a Euro-Kiwi I ought hang my head in shame for the way we whities treat our (so-called) indigenous brothers. The woman (read: creature) is a newspaper columnist in that socialist hell-hole who visited NZ in 1979 and recalls well the impoverished areas of Auckland, Hawkes Bay and Gisborne. I tried to explain that maoris live high off the hog on taxpayers’ largesse but in response she said one true thing (for the wrong reasons.) “You’ll never pay the maoris enough to make up for the suffering they endure!” That’s right, we’ll never pay them enough.FFS!

  4. KG says:

    Cad, I reckon people like that need to be simply put down by a bullet behind the ear.
    It’d be a mercy killing. (a mercy to the rest of us, that is).
    Somebody out to point out to the dumb marxist cow that responsible Aboriginal leaders are in agreement that welfare is killing their people…..moori no different.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I am not about to waste one of my bullets…have you any spares rolling around on the floor of your ute? :whoop