‘..This is the Post-American, Anti-American and UnAmerican campaign to divide up, carve up and toss aside the laws and traditions of the United States and replace them with the power of arrogance. It is the last stand of a beleaguered nation facing barbarians inside its gate. Every previous election was a contest between two American candidates who wanted to preside over the United States.
This is an election contest between the United States and an emerging Post-American order. That entity will be an American EU run by unelected bureaucrats, governed by politically correct technocrats and upheld by corrupt financial pirates disguising the collective bankruptcy with numbers games so elaborate that they make every billion-dollar con game and pyramid scheme that has come before seem as simple as child’s play…’
Sultan Knish: The Most Divisive Campaign in American History
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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“‘…The true insidious evil of the man is that he is the face of a machine of power and privilege that turns Americans into UnAmericans, that corrupts and degrades every ideal and principle, suborns every office and picks every pocket, while wrapping that thievery in the flag and every bit of history that it can filch…”
Wow,he definitely pegged it with that one!Great blog too,this piece explains the pecking order of the various victims-
Excellent remarks in that quotation that I agree with 100%, but such is the nature of “The Big Lie” of the elite Leftist psychopath-ruling class, and as old soldiers in the long global war against socialism, I think we should address ourselves to “The Big Truth” and use it with aggressive intent to destroy the Left.
…and we should never forget the big history lesson of the 1930s – the enemy within – THE TRAITOR – is more dangerous than the one outside the city gate.
The Left in our various countries has no trouble with making us their MAIN ENEMY. We should return the favor in spades – and do whatever in our power rid them of any influence over our free and independent lives.
Absolutely, Ronbo. But it’s an uphill battle, when they control the schools and the media.
…and we control the big ideas based on reason, facts and logic.
This called “common sense” by the independent and increasingly not silent majority….at least in the USA.
As for the elites in academia, the bureaucrats, the Leftist politicians and their stinking dead corpse of socialism – like all great “Tower of Babel” plans for world conquest they are doomed to failure.
Remember the late, great Soviet Union?
In 1975 I read a classified U.S. Army War College document (long since declassified) that predicted the collapse of the Evil Empire before the start of the 21st century.
…and I well remember being laughed at by our Colonel and the most of the staff of Field Station Berlin when I read it before the Monday OB (Order of Battle) meeting – and was ordered to stick to the EOB (Electronic Order of Battle) for the GSFG (Group Soviet Forces Germany) that our section was responsible.
I will never forget the colonel’s comments on this report: “The Russians have a first class military establishment…so what difference does tyranny, poverty and the nationalities problems make? Like Prussia of old, Russia is not a country with an army, it’s an army with a country! And as long as there are Russian troops willing to fire on their fellow countrymen – and to date this has always been the case – the Communists will stay in charge until well into 21st century…and maybe forever.”
Then 1989 – not 15 years later – the Berlin Wall bit the dust…
My point is that our enemy giant has feet of clay and no clothes to hide his naked tyranny. He believes his own lies and propaganda that he has nearly won the socialist conquest of the planet. But what he doesn’t understand is that all over this great big world all he has accomplished is to wake up the real giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.
This is the Battle of the Ardennes once again and Hitler’s panzers are about ready to get their butts kicked by General Patton…
About the same time that came out I read a book called: Inside The Soviet Army by Viktor Suvorov. What the book revealed was though the Soviet Army looked strong on paper, it was poorly trained and poorly equipped. It really was a paper tiger.
Obama and the left is doing to the US Military what the Soviets did to their military. If re-elected it will get worse.
Those of us who do remember the lessons of the past are a dying breed. We have always fought the uphill battles. And many of those in the generations following us have been molded by design into a breed of near perfect subjects who will follow the much easier down hill path of least resistance, even against tyranny.
This is a wonderful essay which I will be sharing as far & wide as possible.
Here’s a link to PJTV’s Trifecta crew on exactly this subject. Harry Reid is the south-facing end of a north-bound horse, and I’ve heard he’s also a kiddie-fiddler.
On the plane on the way home, I watched The Avengers (largely on the recommendation of the Trifecta crew). It isn’t my usual fare, but I’m damned glad I did. It’s chock full of references to the current landscape, and I’m shocked it even got made at this time.
The premise of the movie is that Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. brings together a team of super humans (Iron Man, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America, Natasha Romanoff and Thor) to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki and his army. Not much of an analogy there to current events, right? Well, in the movie, Loki wants to rule the earth. See from the following quotes if you can see any resemblance to anyone on the political landscape. Also, the Captain America character is a throw-back to what made America exceptional. Some of his quotes are superb and offer great insight.
Loki: I am Loki, of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose.
Nick Fury: We have no quarrel with your people
Loki: The ant has no quarrel with the boot
Loki: [to crowd] Kneel before me. I said… KNEEL! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.
German Old Man: [Stands] Not to men like you.
Loki: There are no men like me.
German Old Man: There are always men like you.
Loki: Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example.
[Loki is about to execute him with his scepter when Steve intervenes, in full Captain America uniform]
Steve Rogers: You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing
[Captain America puts on a parachute to go follow after Thor, Loki and Iron Man]
Natasha Romanoff: I’d sit this one out, Cap.
Steve Rogers: I don’t see how I can.
Natasha Romanoff: These guys come from legend, Captain. They’re basically gods.
Steve Rogers: There’s only one God, ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like *that*.
[Captain America leaps out of the Quinjet]
Now, I’m not suggesting for a second that Mitt Romney is Captain America, but i do think he represents something about traditional American values and family which His Imperial Majesty does not. As Mark Levin says, this is not a “normal” election. This election will decide whether Americans still want their Constitutional Republic. I think we’re at the point which Franklin foresaw when he said they have given the people a Republic, if they can keep it.
Sorry for the long comments (above and this one following).
Governor Palin has also penned some pretty powerful words on the topic of His Imperial Majesty, on her Facebook page:
For those not possessed of (by?) a Facebook account, here it is in full:
Congratulations to Mitt Romney on his choice of Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. President Obama has declared that this election is about “two fundamentally different visions” for America. Goodness, he’s got that right. Our country cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama’s fundamentally flawed vision. We must now look to this new team, the Romney/Ryan ticket, to provide an alternate vision of an America that is fiscally responsible, strong, and prosperous – an America that understands and is proud of her exceptional place in the world and will respect those who fight to secure that exceptionalism, which includes keeping our promises to our veterans.
When I think about the direction our country is rapidly drifting in, I can’t help but look at California as a cautionary tale. The Golden State once boasted the entrepreneurial innovation of Silicon Valley, the American creative engine of the arts, economically powerful and beautiful cities from San Francisco to San Diego, and fertile farmlands that helped feed the nation. Now it is descending into financial ruin accompanied by an exodus of middle class Californians leaving for other states. As one writer put it, California’s “fastest-growing entity is government and its biggest product is red tape.”
Obama’s vision for America will make the rest of the country look like California, minus the beautiful scenery and warm weather.
Obama’s America is today’s California – complete with $100 billion taxpayer funded bullet trains to nowhere; out of control environmental extremists who have destroyed family farms and left some of the most fertile farm land in America fallow in order to protect a three inch fish; permanent high unemployment; government policies hostile to small business job creators; crippling high taxes; an abysmal real estate market; bloated government that wastes taxpayer money; endless budget shortfalls due to massive unfunded liabilities; city after city declaring bankruptcy; and a state government run by, in the words of one Wall Street Journal writer, “a brothel of environmentalists, lawyers, public-sector unions and legislative bums.”
We can’t afford Obama’s vision. Our children can’t afford it. Today we are over $15 trillion in debt and running up trillion dollar budget deficits year after year for as far as the eye can see. And our “leaders” have no plan to stop it! President Obama and this Congress don’t even have the fundamental blueprint—a budget!—to outline where they intend to take us as they merrily roll along with their out of control spending and constant increases of our debt “limit.” Our debt to China alone is more than we can ever hope to pay off in multiple generations. Such debt and dependence on foreign nations weakens us in countless ways. And yet our government keeps on spending despite the risks and despite conscientious, hardworking citizens telling them to just stop it. Our debt is growing by $3 million per minute. This debt, in conjunction with Obama’s massive government over-reaches like Obamacare, has strangled the private sector, which in turn has stifled job growth and slowed all economic growth. The only way to get our country moving again is to get back to basics like normal people do with our home and small business budgets! That means we must live within our means, get government out of the way of our job creators, develop the God-given natural resources we have been blessed with to provide real jobs and real energy security, and stop growing government and wasting taxpayer money on D.C. cronyism and useless stimulus kick-backs for favored donors.
Barack Obama’s record is one of dismal failure, which is why he isn’t talking about it. He would rather spend his time demonizing his opponents. The simple fact remains that Mitt Romney is not responsible for the dire state of our economy or the corruption and incompetence of the current administration.
Over the next 86 days, Barack Obama will try to distract us from his record. Many in the media will roll along with him in this mission. We must not let them continue the deception and distractions, and we must not be afraid to call the President out on his lies. His entire record in office exposes the false promises he made four years ago. So, let’s take a moment to remember what candidate Obama said just four short years ago.
Candidate Obama promised us fiscal prudence. But President Obama’s reckless spending and lack of fiscal leadership has led to the downgrading of our nation’s credit rating for the first time in history.
Candidate Obama decried reckless spending and promised to cut the deficit. But President Obama and those in Congress who control the purse strings and “go along to get along” have tripled it. President Obama’s proposed budget was so absurdly and wildly irresponsible that not one member of Congress, Republican or Democrat, voted in favor of it. And yet the Democrat controlled Senate still refuses to pass a budget itself, and this refusal has been going on for years now. That is irresponsible and, much more, it’s unconstitutional.
Candidate Obama promised us a “smarter government,” but President Obama has created a government that’s not too big to fail, but too big to succeed.
Candidate Obama promised us a plan for American energy independence. But President Obama has forced American taxpayers to subsidize bankrupt green energy companies with ties to his campaign donors. And when it comes to the energy we actually use to fuel our economy, President Obama’s administration blocks drilling and drags its feet on the permitting process. Meanwhile, he supports foreign energy developments, but not American made energy development. His administration opposes everything from drilling in ANWR to building the Keystone Pipeline to coal plants, but he’s all for subsidizing offshore drilling in Brazil and sitting back on his thumb while China moves in to pursue oil deals with Canada because his administration blocked responsible energy infrastructure development.
Candidate Obama promised us “the most transparent administration in history.” But in addition to refusing FOIA-requested documents, President Obama’s administration regularly holds meetings outside the White House and off the official White House visitor list with lobbyists and corporate interests they don’t want us to know about.
Candidate Obama promised to unite all America, but President Obama has cynically divided us again and again in his efforts to win reelection by playing identity politics and class warfare and pitting one group against another.
Candidate Obama promised us a “fundamentally transformed” America, and that is the only promise he’s delivered on. We can see now what his idea of “hope” is. Now we want change. He has failed to lead, so We the People must lead. And our leadership starts at the ballot box on November 6th.
Please continue to focus on the presidential race and on helping Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, but it’s also imperative that we get involved in the nation’s important House and Senate races. These candidates need our help to ensure that our next president has a responsible and ethical Congress that actually gets things done for America. Now on to November!
– Sarah Palin
Thanks for the comments, GG. I’d never have seen the Palin one otherwise.
More shark jumping from Obama’s America :roll
Throughout my life the United States has been a pillar, a rock in a turbulent world.
I never imagined that this great nation, once gold and silver would fall so far, so quickly into rust enfeebled corrosion.
Me neither, Flashy.
Rust implies there is still some Iron present,sadly all I see from my end is paper Obama and his ilk have wiped with
Muslim Brotherhood http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/2012/08/egypt-there-goes-free-media.html