Ixquick search engine vs Google:

Ixquick Stops Recording Browser and Platform Information Entirely.
•    We don’t collect any personal information on our visitors. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
•    When you use Ixquick, we do not record your IP address, we do not record which browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.), we do not record your computer platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.), and we do not record your search words or phrases. In fact, the only information we do record is an aggregate total of how many searches are performed on our website each day (a measure of overall traffic), and those overall traffic numbers broken down by language.
•    Our zero data collection policy protects your privacy, since your IP address, browser, and platform information can be combined with other data to uniquely identify your computer, your location, or you. It is also important not to record search terms, since they can convey personal information as well. (Think of someone entering their own name and/or social security number.)….’
What’s more, Ixquick is not politically biased, as Google is.

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One Response to Ixquick search engine vs Google:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Can definitely recommend ixQuick! I use startpage.com, which is ixQuick enhanced by Google. Heaps better search results (as KG said, not politicised).