Race relations in the West:

Thanks to Moist von Lipwig for that.

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6 Responses to Race relations in the West:

  1. WAKE UP says:

    Joris de Bres is at it again (I thought he was going to retire?)…
    From the NZ Herald 20 August: “Minorities not getting fair go, says watchdog”

    One thing they carefully leave out of accounts of exploitation of immigrants is that the exploitation is usually BY immigrants. :x

  2. mistress mara says:

    Correct Wake Up; they usually ARE exploited by their own kind but that’s our fault because we prefer to employ people without dodgy visas, illegal immigrants, the culturally er, unsuited, the non-English speakers and the types who would sell their sisters to gain residency. My own family was non-English speaking when we(and I) arrived in NZ back in the days when mastodons and mammoths roamed the globe. So I have an understanding of the challenges faced by migrants but those days and these now are totally different. Things were once orderly, under control and outcomes, if not 100% as predicted, worked out pretty well.
    By the way … I worked once as a recruitment person for a large computer co. When accused of being racist because there were no Maori on staff I replied that my Maori employ rate was 100%. One Maori applied during my time there, qualified by skill required , and he got the job. Why not? I would not do that job today if the pay was enormous….. (how enormous?)

  3. octagongrappler says:

    Notice the Author Lincoln Tan is the heralds”diversity” reporter. These people will make it illegal for whites to marry each other. Maybe you have to offer your daughters to mardi or an indian migrant, for an inclusive NZ.. :mrgreen:

  4. Cadwallader says:

    Completely off thread: Has anyone on this blog ever read the works of Eckhart Tolle? I was advised to read him on the basis that I have a “runaway ego.” Perhaps I have? It seems that Tolle is a new-age spiritualist dork (from the little I have read thus far.) Does anyone here see any valuie in him or am I right to consider him as nothing more than a dork? His writing seems to decry individualism in both thought and actions.

  5. KG says:

    “His writing seems to decry individualism in both thought and actions.”
    That alone is enough to dismiss him as far as I’m concerned, Cad. Life’s too short as it is.