Straight from the USSR playbook:

‘A former Marine involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook has received an outpouring of support from people who say authorities are trampling on his First Amendment rights.
Brandon J. Raub, 26, has been in custody since FBI, Secret Service agents and police in Virginia’s Chesterfield County questioned him Thursday evening about what they said were ominous posts talking about a coming revolution. In one message earlier this month according to authorities, Raub wrote: “Sharpen my axe; I’m here to sever heads.”
Police — acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional — took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell. He was not charged with any crime…’

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13 Responses to Straight from the USSR playbook:


    Joe had this on his site last week-check it out!
    You remember Joe Miller (West Point grad- veteran- lawyer) I posted on him during the alaska senatorial campaign while he was running against little Lib R (Lisa Murkowsli ( he was winning – UNTIL the RNSC (Rep Nat Senatorial committee) went up to Alaska to ‘rescue’ Little Lisa with a write in campaign) -don’t get me started on the elite Rssssss!!!
    I have had two or three Genlivets – on the rocks!- so- if this response is a bit rabid …
    OH WELL!!
    the elite Rsss are NO BETTER THAN THE DEMSSSSS
    PS. truly= check out Joe’s site—-

    the reason for the Scotch- my wonderful
    Kadie – black lab- guide dog for the blind- has cirrhosis of the liver – have been working on it – but – have spent 2 hours tonight – petting her —13 + years- and am very sad – have had to put down horses- dogs and cats – and am having issues w/ God —why do they have such short lives!!!!!

    Sorry to burden you all w/ my heart break===

  2. have had this site on my roll for awhile- just hit it tonight – after a very long time-
    maybe Scotch increases the free scanning of the mind- check it out – the ‘arrested’ veteran is linked to this site as well as Joe Miller’s site-

    My Republic has become COMMIE/Hitlerized–and we in the US are still asleep!


  3. Andrei says:

    It’s a sad day when you have to part with a beloved pet :sad:

    Old lady down the street lost her cat of fifteen years a few months ago and then got a kitten – it got run over yesterday :sad: . I felt so bad for her :sad:

  4. Andrei says:

    My Republic has become COMMIE/Hitlerized–and we in the US are still asleep!

    I am just shaking my head in wonder at what is going down right now – the leaders of the West have a death wish? The West is in its death spiral.

    Who the fuck is pulling the strings?

  5. KG says:

    “Who the fuck is pulling the strings?”
    Well, it’s certainly not the voters and I very much doubt it is politicians, Andrei.

  6. Elijah says:

    This isn’t just like the Soviet playbook. It damn well IS the Soviet playbook. And this is happening in the so called “Free World”

  7. Pascal says:

    This case shares elements of the plot in an obscure movie from 1940. Here’s a clip that conveys the feeling of a sanctuary lost to us.

    Watch it before I wind up in a battle about fair use from all the usual suspects.

    • KG says:

      Thanks, Pascal. “Sanctuary lost” sums it up perfectly.
      And if America is no sanctuary, then what’s left?