‘The Preference Cascade Begins to Build

…I should add that the most powerful cascades occur when an artificially imposed sense of isolation crumbles.  That’s very definitely what is happening here.  Widespread popular discontent with the Obama presidency has been suppressed by making the unhappy campers feel marginalized.  The failure of that strategy is akin to watching a dam burst under high pressure…’                 source
Perhaps the small crowds for Obama are an indication of the realisation – gone viral – that the left’s messiah is a divisive, duplicitous, incompetent bastard.
And that the world is far too dangerous a place to leave the safety of the Republic in his hands.

Update: Richard Fernandez at Belmont Club has an elegant post on the subject.

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10 Responses to ‘The Preference Cascade Begins to Build

  1. Ronbo says:


    I have something that should be a hot topic for the day:


    …and if Obama is made of the same totalitarian stuff of Lenin or Hitler he WILL DO IT, because it looks like a Republican landslide against the Democommies on election day otherwise.

    My best guess of the traditional Leftist October Surprise would be to encourage the mad mullahs of Iran to attack Israel, or perhaps to goad the Israelis into an American sanctioned war against Iran.

    In fact, Obama may order a go-it-alone USA attack on the Iran nukes.

    The objective would be to portray himself and his regime as not needed to win victory.

    Hey, it worked for FDR in 1940 and 1944.!

  2. Ronbo says:

    …make that “needed to win” and try this link for the article in question:


    • Ronbo says:

      …and while we are on the subject of the November presidential/Congressional election in the USA, this link below should be a “must read” for those political wonks like the readers/posters of Crusader Rabbit.


      I’ve posted it before, but some of you may not have read it.

      The thesis is that the November USA election may be the beginning of the end for “Democratic Socialism” in America…. and later THE WORLD!

      In the words of Obama The Marxist, “A World Historical Event.”

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Right up there with “You didn’t build that”, His Imperial Majesty came out the other day with “I don’t think you or anybody who’s been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We’ve always tried to bring the country together.”

    The best riposte I’ve seen so far as come from David Limbaugh

  4. MIchael in Nelson says:

    I know there have been several calls recently for Obama to replace Biden. Most are hinting at ‘health issues’ being used as the excuse. Now, I may be paranoid but that doesn’t appear to be anything but transparent. If Biden is to be replaced, it would have to be more advantageous to Obama getting re-elected. How about his plane having a malfunction and all hands lost. That gets the sympathy vote and no one would be able to say ‘Yea Right’.

    If you doubt that Obama would be ok with that, you haven’t been listening to him for the last 4 years.

  5. KG says:

    Beautiful! :lol: :popcorn