Matt McCarten….socialist scumbag cheerleader posing as a journalist:

Take a look at this load of dishonest, partisan drivel. This is what passes for “journalism” in the People’s Democratic Republic of  New Zealand!
‘Election in hands of rich as extremists mobilise’

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26 Responses to Matt McCarten….socialist scumbag cheerleader posing as a journalist:

  1. KG says:

    If anybody feels like taking up the whole page of CR in order to fisk (a point-by-point rebuttal) this dishonest undergraduate-lefty garbage, let me know. I have neither the time nor the energy to do it, so be my guest.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I started reading it and soon found at I needed to rush to the toilet. The question is whether or not he actually believes what he writes or whether it is just to indoctrinate the intellectually deprived? mawm

  3. KG says:

    The real guilty party here is the NZ Herald, Mawm. To give a platform to this piece of incompetent/dishonest shit is unconscionable.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    There’s so much wrong with everything McCarten says, does and writes, it would take far too long to fisk it. I can only hope the IRD has garnished his payments from the Herald to try and get back some of the money he stole from UNITE union employees.

    Anonymawm, considering McCarten’s political history, which is long and sordid (he’s been passed around New Zealand’s far-left political parties like a teenaged tart at a gang party), I think he really, genuinely believes the bullshit that comes from his mouth and keyboard. The cognitive dissonance is breathtaking, and I for one wonder about his mental health. First, he spews and dribbles about how “the rich” need to pay more tax to support “the poor” while at the same time stealing from his union members (some of the lowest-paid people in the country) the amounts taken from their wages on behalf of the tax department. Next, he claims the TEA Party movement “…is secretly funded by billionaires, comprises a combination of religious fundamentalists, racists and bigots…” while at the same time running the most far-left, racist (or perhaps first-equal racist) political party in NZ.

    There are some seriously damaged synapses between his ears, and about the only good thing anyone might say about the Herald giving him a column is that it will hasten the Herald’s slide into inevitable bankruptcy.

    Oh, and while we’re on the topic of political parties, and how (in McCarten’s world at least) it’s a bad thing for them to march to the beat of different drums, here’s an excellent article from Menzies House about why it’s not good when politics becomes too homogenised:

    In New Zealand, there is none of the “polarisation” of which Mr Kent writes and as a result the nation has been on a hard-a-port course for so long I, for one, doubt its ability to be righted (pun apology).

    • Cadwallader says:

      Gantt, you are generally damn good, this is better than that…downright superb! :cheers (And a cigar!)

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Thank you, Sir. I’ve been away from Mrs Gantt and Miss Six for 3 weeks now (they’re still stuck in Melbourne while I’m “home” in Auckland) and it’s obviously affecting me mentally! :smile:

  5. KG says:

    “he’s been passed around New Zealand’s far-left political parties like a teenaged tart at a gang party” :whoop
    At least the teenaged tart might be more or less honest. And almost certainly brighter.

  6. KG says:

    Perhaps we’ll get lucky and the prick will try suing me for libel. :mrgreen:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      He’d have to find you first. And then after Judgement is delivered (if he wins) he’d have to figure out where you’ve hidden all your gold. :popcorn

      The defence in these cases is “truth, or honest opinion”. What he wrote *is* dishonest, it *is* partisan, and it is most certainly drivel. Sorry, Matt, you lose.

      And besides that, CR is a US-hosted domain. It would be a stretch at best to claim his reputation there has been damaged, given he is less well-known there than Paris Hilton’s third cousin’s sex toy.

      • Darin says:

        “Perhaps we’ll get lucky and the prick will try suing me for libel.”

        In that case you can introduce him to my defense attorneys Mr.Colt and Mr.Remington. :smile:

  7. KG says:

    “…given he is less well-known there than Paris Hilton’s third cousin’s sex toy.”
    And about half as useful…. :lol:
    What a great pity the days of the duel are over….I wonder how many of these ‘progressives” would have the balls, eh?
    Sultan Knish has ’em pegged:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      They’d not have the balls, KG. Union thugs are only brave when they’re in numbers and they’re the only ones armed. Bats, billy-clubs, a car; as long as the other guy is (a) alone and (b) unarmed, they’re the toughest guys around.

      In a fair fight, I’d back Charlotte Dawson against Matt McCarten or his Irish bulldog Joe Carolan.

      And in a battle of wits … well, at least on our side we understand it ain’t fair to fight an unarmed man!

      George Will has their number as well:

      They claim to be “liberal”, but of course they’re only liberal with Other People’s Money, and then only long enough to entrench themselves in positions of power. They claim to be “progressive”, yet they wail, cry and gnash their teeth when anybody threatens the status quo on any of their wealth-redistribution programs.

      Hypocrites, the lot of them.

    • Oswald Bsatable says:

      But dueling was for gentlemen, which rules socialists out. Proper procedure was to have your footmen thrash the insolent swine. :mrgreen:

    • Anonymous says:

      “Progressives can rage and sneer, roar grievances and pose as the oppressed, but what do they actually believe in except the evil of their opposite numbers on the right?”
      Sounds as good a description as any.

      Heh GG, the pen is flowing sweetly this morning – Teenage tarts at gang parties and sex toys. :shock:

  8. KG says:

    I’ve scraped higher life forms than McCarten off the soles of my boots.

  9. Mark says:

    Even Obama has said he fuckup in his first term, but is basically begging please give me a 2nd chance.

    Unemployment is at 8.3% and underemployment at 15%+, plus 6 trillion US of new debt in under four years and Matt thinks the republicans are extreme.

    Matt McCarten is New Zealand’s greatest douche bag.

  10. erikter says:

    The sooner he dies, the better.