Breastfeeding Nazis, #2

‘Baby formula locked away, bottle-talk banned, and “breastfeeding police” patrolling the wards.
A former midwife has blown the whistle on how rigid breastfeeding policies are putting bureaucracy before babies.
……The (Health) ministry contracts the NZ Breastfeeding Authority to audit maternity facilities to be “baby friendly”, as part of New Zealand’s obligations to the World Health Organisation and Unicef. Nearly all maternity facilities are currently accredited. Under the baby-friendly policy, mothers must make an “informed decision on feeding”, but formula cannot be discussed during antenatal classes. To retain the baby-friendly accreditation, maternity units must maintain an 80 per cent exclusive breastfeeding rate…’
New Zealand’s OBLIGATIONS to the U.N. bodies concerned? Did anybody ask Kiwis (or any other Westerners, for that matter) if they wanted to sign up to this garbage? Anybody? Ever?
Because until they do – and it’s put to a vote – nobody, anywhere has any “obligations” whatsoever to the rules and regulations of any U.N. body. Screw them and screw the politicians who secretly sign up to treaties and agreements. Until a candidate for political office pledges to put ALL treaties and agreements his or her country has signed  to a vote then no politician is worth supporting.

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4 Responses to Breastfeeding Nazis, #2

  1. let’s all get out of the U N- and-
    for us in the US- we would get some $$$$ for the very valuable land that the UN buildings stand upon!

  2. that would be the UN buildings in NY-

  3. MacDoctor says:

    Recently our medical practice was told that it could not give formula samples to new mothers (even if they did not want to breast feed anyway). Apparently this was according to some “code of conduct” for some section of the Ministry of Health we have never heard of before. We had had no input into this “code”, never signed up for it and never even heard of it.

    These people treated the “incident” (nurses giving out formula samples) as if it was a major HDC breach of patient rights. It involved us in a not inconsiderable amount of paperwork, answering their information requests. Finally, after all this, they found us “in breach” of their code, which we have still not received a copy of. Subsequently, we discovered that this breast feeding code has no validity and a breach is just a meaningless exercise in bureaucracy, with no enforceable penalties. One is left wondering how many millions are squandered on completely pointless things like the NZ breast feeding Authority and Ministry wastes of time such as the one described.

  4. KG says:

    That’s a horrifying story, MacDoctor, for several reasons.
    The real problem as I see it is this: The laws politicians pass can be overturned by various means and the authors of them turfed out at election time. But bureaucracy is both unaccountable and powerful. People have been conditioned through apathy and fear not to question the directives and decisions of the little Hitlers behind desks, because those same little tyrants can make everyday life expensive and difficult.
    So we have government by politicians and other layers of government by faceless regulators and enforcers.
    Unless or until people learn to reflexively reject or at least resist regulations, until they make life sheer hell for the cowardly apparatchiks who control them, nothing will change.
    And that applies from the girl behind the counter at your local council to the minions in government departments drunk on unearned power.
    Question. Argue. Resist. Impede.
    I’m not at all hopeful it will ever happen, instead people will continue their slow (but accelerating) slide into comfortable, numb slavery.