Open house

Go for it.

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28 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Federal authorities said Friday that they’re closing their abuse-of-power investigation into a sheriff in Arizona without filing charges against him.’

    What a surprise……not.

  2. KG says:

    Britain..where opinions are illegal:
    Father-of-three arrested after praising Anders Breivik for trying to stop ‘invasion by the Muslim population’ on Facebook
    • Philip Horn says he ‘takes his hat off to mass murderer
    • Horn is thought to have links with the English Defence League

    Read more:

    But of course, muslims in Britain can carry signs calling for the death of infidels, and the police simply stand and watch…..

  3. rivoniaboy says:

    I am still riled no end, about the fact that the NZRU gave a donation to the Anti -apartheid conference that was held at the Victoria University of Wellington.
    It was no more than a gathering of liberal left socialists to who wanted to pat each other on the back and piss in each others pockets.

    NZRU public affairs general manager Nick Brown said the donation was “in recognition of rugby’s links to the history which the conference was commemorating” and because of the involvement of some rugby personalities.

    Now let me tell you why I will never support the All Blacks from here on in until eternity.
    1) I bet most of the attendees wouldn’t know what a rugby ball looks like if they tripped over one, let alone dipping into their pockets to buy a ticket to go and watch a game.
    2) How is a team chosen only on race – New Zealand today still has a Maori Team, not a form of Apartheid? Oh,I get it only when white teams are chosen on race does it become a racist selection.NZRU please explain?
    3)Graham Mourie the failed coach of Wellington,who knew nothing about South Africa then and knows even less now who by the way is on the board of the NZRU was happy to entertain Stofile who is a member of the ANC under whose regime 4000 white farmers have been murdered.
    4) We all know the failed Labour candidate Chris Laidlaw, would be panting for the NZRU kiss Stofile’s arse.If the ANC janitor visited New Zealand, Laidlaw would be busting his balls to be first in line to be granted an interview.
    5) I bet the ignoramuses on the board of the NZRU have never pondered as to why there are thousands of white South Africans that now live in New Zealand.Well let me tell you bunch of NZRU halfwits it is because they don’t want to die an early death.Not because they don’t love the Country of their birth.
    6) As for New Zealand pretending to be a mecca of racial harmony please don’t make me laugh my lips will crack. Try odds of 45 million to 4 1/2 million.
    7) As for Victoria University who hosted the Conference your ranking of 237 is a reminder why it should be avoided as a higher education facility.
    8)I hope the entire NZRU board chokes to death on its own smugness.

    Understood? I hope so.

    • Flashman says:

      Damn fine post.

      Rugby is, of course, one of the highest public public expressions of True Man Love and thus you have to expect a certain door-swinging-both-ways ambivalence in the sentiments of its governing body.

      As the androgenous be-spectacled dude says on Sky’s Rugby Channel adverts: “I’d pay money to watch him do that” thus serving as a tempting entree dish whilst leaving a lot open to his fellow high-speed-camera-close-up affectionados’ imaginations.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I apologise in advance for my possible naiveté but what relevance is there in even holding an “Anti-Apartheid Conference?” I suppose the ilk of Minto would use it to bang an old tired drum…but what on earth else?

      • Jay says:

        My thoughts exactly. My first instinct would be to believe it was an opposition toward the hand outs and other privileges for Maori… then I read “Victoria University of Wellington.”

  4. Katie says:

    Obama is planning to destroy Israel in a second term.

    Susan Powers gets her wish.

    :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant :rant

  5. KG says:

    Obama speech to soldiers met with silence
    President Barack Obama was greeted with fleeting applause and extended periods of silence as he offered profuse praise to soldiers and their families during an Aug. 31 speech in Fort Bliss, Texas.
    His praise for the soldiers — and for his own national-security policies — won cheers from only a small proportion of the soldiers and families in the cavernous aircraft-hanger.
    The audience remains quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    The audience’s reaction was so flat that the president tried twice to elicit a reaction from the crowd.
    “Hey, I hear you,” he said amid silence.

    • Katie says:

      I hope he really heard them. I would say their message to him was loud and clear.

    • john says:

      This reminds me of a photo of one of Hillary Clinton’s visits to the troops several years ago. Underwhelmed troopies were ordered to smile and shake her hand but the kicker is the soldier had his fingers crossed on his free hand. I wonder if he afterwards dipped his other hand in jeyes fluid.

  6. Flashman says:

    Interesting how quickly the gun smoke dissipated from South Africa’s Rustenburg Turkey Shoot.

    Had this taken place 30 years ago, Team Minto would have been out in full foamy mouthed force. And had the year been 1960 and the place Sharpville the global outrage would have spawned Multiple Team Mintos.

    However since this is a black government doing the gunning-down this time – well that’s all rather terribly unfortunate and regrettable and needs to be condemned but otherwise we wet liberals would rather not be bothered.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is also stunning the silence about the Cato Manor massacres when Sharpville is discussed. It took place in the months before Sharpville. The police did not fire on a crowd like those at Sharpville…….and each and every policeman was hacked to death.

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!You Screwed Dude like you know when YV.T get that feeling Y v. TRLY wants sexual healing!!OMG!*! Does the bog administraitor expect a member of Mensa, Harvard Law School graduate and grassmate of BlackBerry to NOT comment @opNHouse??? Latest evolving intelligence from down under BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound is that BlackBerry is trying to dig he way west to Chicago where everybody kissed he ass. don’t no if that true. Hott: BlackBerry’s mother in law stashes her cash in her triple D cup brassiere & the cash is sweaty when she spend it. That GAY or not?? Everybody be diggin furiously stupidvised by mother in law, Diplomatic Pouch wid D New Black Panters whippin I asses overtime. Y V. Trly talkn like BB speechifies@ black asylums of Higher** education.D. Black Run White House be loadD wid Afreekin art focused on Kenyan shit by BlackBerry’s relatives most of it is on VooDoo. La’Da’Shinkenyika is D featured honored Voodoo proctologist @ Diplomatic Pouches tea party. Oh frig here cumz UNO who!!keep it in the barn if possible holy shootfire the Revend Al Sharpton materialized in the the Race Baitin Tavern 4 a summit with BlackBerry and Alkatrazz Shabazz signin “My Girl.” OOPs gotta go Yours Verily Trurily, HarvardPotatohead Hi to Daril and TGG U B good.

    *prefer it not B hOMER sEXUAL. he so GAY!
    **Higher – what everybody doing included most ass whipped male.

  8. Contempt says:

    If someone will assist me, I will personally retrieve HarvardPotatoHead and drop him at the front gate of the nearest lunatic asylum. Or better yet send non-counterfeit cash US or Confederate or GOLD via KG for this worthwhile cause. Many thanks!

  9. RobertvdL says:

    Dynamite demolition of Philips Building Eindhoven (hometown) Netherlands 1-9-2012

    The Dust made me remember a sad past.

    • Darin says:

      Oh boy did they screw up,now they have an elevator core with no support and no connection to the foundation that’s off plumb.

      The outer section they sheared fell out instead of down and there weren’t near enough charges in the elevator core.

      Musta hired Russians :popcorn

    • Katie says:

      To correct the problem:

      Gather up a rather large group of Muslim immigrants.
      Strap bomb belts to their bodies.
      Strap the Muslims to support posts in the unexploded parts.
      Blow up the Muslims.
      Building falls.