Chuck Norris’ dire warning for America

‘Our country as we know it may be lost forever’

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5 Responses to Chuck Norris’ dire warning for America

  1. Ronbo says:

    Chuck is right – the old America is dying before our very eyes.

    Death is part of the cycle of life…The old forest is burned down by the forest fire and new trees replace the dead one using the ashes for manure.

    The same is true for nations – the corrupt and oppressive Roman Empire is forced to withdraw from Britain in the early 5th century and is quickly replaced by hardy liberty minded Anglo-Saxon warriors from Germany, who in time created a world civilization that binds mankind together with the English language and time tested forms of government designed to enable the free individual maximum freedom.

    I’m a man who grew up in the 1950s and early 1960s – the high water mark of the old America where the various state governments where the big guy on the block – and the only regular connection with the federal government was the postman for the average citizen.

    But alas, time moves in only one direction, and our big centralized federal government has become ten times more oppressive than the regime of King George III – and so patriots must turn to the harsh medicine of revolution to treat the disease of totalitarianism – tyranny is tyranny even if the tyrants are our fellow Americans and richly deserve the rope and the firing squad. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!

    The patriot hopes are on the next election, and they think a “Trifecta” in which the Rightists seize control of Congress and the Executive will be the decisive victory, but I think the Left will not accept the outcome decreed by the voters unless it favors them, and in their rage against the majority will light the fires of insurrection.

    Thus the old America will be burnt down in the coming revolutionary forest fires that may last a decade, but the outcome will be a new and improved United States born on the ashes of the old one. I say “new and improved” because the United Socialist States of America will never see the light of day.

    As the wise man once said, “A Communist America is an oxymoron.”

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good article on the collapse of socilaism-

    “The myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished .

    What is being challenged is nothing less than the most basic premise of the politics of the centre ground: that you can have free market economics and a democratic socialist welfare system at the same time. The magic formula in which the wealth produced by the market economy is redistributed by the state – from those who produce it to those whom the government believes deserve it – has gone bust. “

  3. KG says:

    The so-called “centre ground” is and always was a scam in any case.
    A way for so-called “conservative” parties to pander to the welfare/PC/greenie constituency and a way for socialist thieves to appear to be responsible managers.
    The two of them came together to form an unholy anti-liberty thieve’s alliance.
    And they’re still joined at the hip–the profoundly anti-conservative leadership of the GOP is absolutely no better than the Chicago boy and his Alinskyite thugs, since both lead to the same rotten graveyard of liberty.