commenter “Son of Liberty” sent us this video clip

of his tour in Iraq. Great soundtrack, too.

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5 Responses to commenter “Son of Liberty” sent us this video clip

  1. indeed-words of song in video-
    “ gotta get out of this place…” (Iraq)

    out of Afghanistan too —
    10 years — and what do we have to show for it!!
    our BEST are being murdered by those they train—
    and there seems to be no ‘winning’ focus by our administration or our DoD…

    • KG says:

      And now the chief of the General Staff says he doesn’t want to be “complicit” if Israel attacks Iran, Carol!
      What a curious – to say the least – turn of phrase……..

  2. Darin says:

    Thank you for your service Son of Liberty!

  3. Kathleen says:

    I loved the video. Thanks.

  4. GunRights4US says:

    In my best Jeff Spicoli voice: “I know that dude”
