Not ONCE are islam and muslims mentioned!

‘AUSTRALIA’S spy chief has warned of impending “home-grown, lone wolf” terrorist attacks as a steady number of Australians head to Africa and the Middle-East for extremist training…’      source

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7 Responses to Not ONCE are islam and muslims mentioned!

  1. Richard says:

    I saw that too, and thought “Then stop importing Islamist scumbags!” Of course it’s not his call, but it’s been the same since Lebanon. The rest of the world was allowing Christian refugees in, and whichever tosser was in power at the time (Whitlam?) decided to join the party – by allowing Islamist “refugees” in. Australia’s been paying the price ever since… and it’s pretty hard for a Christian refugee from any Islamic hellholes to get refugee status anywhere these days.

    Like someone on Twitter says: It’s coming. Tool up.

    • Ronbo says:

      I agree…The Third World War will be between Islam and West.

      There is no way 21st civilization can co-exist on the same planet with over one billion crazy Muzbot barbarians running lose everywhere causing massive destruction.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Until the First World gets rid of our various Leftist Regimes – the Enablers of this invasion of 7th century barbarians – there is not much we patriots can do…unless we declare open season on Muzbots with no bag limit. :mrgreen:

    However, with the various governments under the control of adults we could offer the Muzbots the option of a plane ticket back to whatever shit hole African/Asian country they came from, or face a complete shut off of all forms of welfare.

    I think the combined effect of an angry public and rejection by the various governments of the First World would make the old hut in the shit hole look rather nice!

  3. Contempt says:

    Marine Corps general commanding in Afganistan states:

    1-2-3-4 where did our general’s lose their brains?

  4. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Let us Open with prayer*!!!Yours Very Truly noticed upon entering the breakfast** area in BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound that D USA Today headline doth quoteth BlackBerry’s double********* that those ineth D outer world “bend the truth” Hell how can u bend the truth when it be all one great big lie. You people down under N our 56-57th Steaks if U B real not made up MUST kum rescue y v. trly NOW like you know NOW. Meet me asap @ D Clinton Sewage System- Main Line NOW.

    But however since yrs. v. trly see dat D Grog Chugerator is gone y.v.t will shoot the straight truth about BlackBerry’s Underground Chigger Kompound: Firstly however – D Grog Chugerator is become a Cowpoke! He roam d range down there strummin he 12 string guitar singin*** Home, Home on D Range, where d deer and d antelope play, where never is heard a discouraging word & d Chugerator stay drunk nite N day. He think he Rowdy Yates or Clint Eastwood!!!Holy Crap!!!Hope no Injuns jump him on dat 400 mile slog. Hear D James Gang is operatN dat area but Marshall Dillon & Chester with Bat Masterson be on they tails another day in a cowBoy’s life.

    Also, Diplomatic Pouch hath appointed the New Black Panters the “Flog Administrators.” Everbody b ready to end this fiasco being dug and now @ 6,999 feet below God green earth EXCEPT the darkheartZZ from Chicago****

    In addition, It has come to yrs trly that BlackBerry receiveth’d he Harvard Law degree in fixin traffic tickets which was heard rumored by tongue waggerz in the latrine @ d 4,000 foot subsaharan level O I got lots more but gotta go tata Yours Vwerily Trurily HarvardPotatoHead

    *Followed by the beheading of America and screechin from plastic minarettes in Charlotte which btw [by the way] Contempt telepathed yrs v. trly that Charlotte be only a quick trip from where he @. He say he can smell the shit even when d winds blows the right way. !!ACTUNG Mr. Grog U MUST delete this at once no shit!!!!!
    **breakfast = Break Fast N go kill motherfucker infidels
    ***Everybody sing together!!!O dat sooo GAY man!!
    ****An unnamed percentage of the inmates down here say dat Chicago earned their shitty reputation.
    *********BlackBerry B passed out from drinking he special White House Beer ain’t that disgraceful D resident being pissed out AND brewing beer in D USA White House – my opinion b changin about BB & got much more on he Mo-N-law later. How do you make Budweiser? Send him to school hahahahadatfunny