
Well, not quite…we saw three cars in 400km of this. Right now Wabbit is having a beer or two, after watching the sun set over the Arafura sea.

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12 Responses to Gridlock!

  1. Cadwallader says:

    Doesn’t driving through 400kms of featureless country become slightly tedious? I find any long drive in Oz a bit monotonous. :razz:

    • KG says:

      It’s not “featureless” at all, Cad. It’s rich with all kinds of life and subtle changes. One has to have the eyes to see…
      I can’t explain the attraction to people who are being wafted along in air-conditioned comfort, watching the country unroll like a movie screen as they wait to be entertained in between hotels.
      Yours is one of the most common complaints I hear from visitors to Oz, so it’s not surprising that the more people learn about what was right in front of their noses all the time, the more interesting the country becomes for them.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Fair enough. What I recall most vividly are the dead kangaroos along the road sides after having had collisions with the minimal traffic.

        • Darin says:

          It’s as bad here where I live,my brother lives just 60 miles north of here and there is nothing to see but Pine trees and concrete.I swear that 60 mile jog feels like it takes days.

          Wouldn’t be so bad if we bumped the speed limit up to 100 MPH,but the safety wienies won’t let us :x

  2. Darin says:

    Nice! Can you make good time on that or is it wash boarded the whole way?

    Speaking of cars and government corruption here’s an article with both.WARNING contains details of a Ferrari being destroyed :sad:

    • KG says:

      It’s possible to make good time on the graded sections, Darin, but it’s thick with suicidal kangaroos and cattle. (no fences). The big road trains washboard it within a week of the grader going through and right now is mustering season, so there are plenty of those.And the first rains will turn it into an impassable bog… :mrgreen:

  3. KG says:

    Ah, yes, China…where leftist hypocrisy reaches it’s zenith.. :lol: Good link, Darin.

  4. mistress mara says:

    KG “It’s not featureless at all. It’s rich with all kinds of life” ….. jesus mate! I’ve come close to death many times in my life, mainly from stupidity, but the closest I came was from mesmeric tedium while driving through parts of Australia. I fell asleep after 500 kms , 1 dead kangaroo and a million gum trees. The car crashed into a bank of dead grass and I woke to the realisation that the mother-in-law was still alive. Thankfully so were my child and the old fella but, FUCK, it was a boring drive. Next time I visit the rellies, I’ll bloody helicopter into their back yard.

    • KG says:

      :lol: :lol: There’s lots to see, for those with the eyes and the curiosity to look. Lots to think about, too. No distractions. No bloody humans.
      If I’d had to drive 500km with my mother-in-law in the car I’d have slashed my wrists and then run off the road.

  5. KG says:

    And about those million gum trees…did you know that there’s one particular type that gets covered in a detergent-like foam when it eventually rains? And in that foam you can see thousands of tiny frogs hatching? It’s just one fascinating oddity out bush. :popcorn