‘A White Demise’

‘..For that matter, anyone who watched the landing of Curiosity, the latest Mars rover, both Curiosity and the landing being astonishing demonstrations of engineering virtuosity, will have noticed that Mission Control consisted overwhelmingly of:  White. Men….’
Fred on Everything
Wherein Fred points out that the demise of the white man’s dominant position in America promises only failure and the decay of a once-great country…..

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6 Responses to ‘A White Demise’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    For a good look at America’s future under King Barry, Erich von Holder and the NBPP, just look at Zimbo. Or SA under the ANC.

    That is the future which awaits, should Patriots be unable to wrest King Barry from his royal throne in 56 days.

  2. Contempt says:

    @TGG It ain’t over until it’s over. A view of the Dem convention and reports of same have me worried about the near future. Has an overthrow of America already been accomplished?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      You’re asking that question when your choice is King Barry or Romney? In a country with perhaps 75 million genuine Conservatives, your representatives deliver up Romney?

      I know taking over the GOP is gonna take time, but Good Sir, if they’re still offering up a Romney, they’re laughing in your face! On the basis of the candidates alone, America is just as fucked as the rest of us. At least, I guess, you have some good Conservatives standing in House and Senate races, so there remains some hope for you. Not like the rest of us.

      • Darin says:

        Well Gantt,conservatives didn’t have any say in the matter,Romney was foisted off on us by the Republican elite liberals.

        Personally I would have picked Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann or even Newt,but I didn’t have any say in the matter and I live in a “safe” state for the Re pubs.Next go around,if we have one,the elite in the party will find that my sate and several others in the south have gone full blown Teaparty.Then maybe,just maybe we can force a Conservative moninee.

        My only hope for Romney is that he has changed for the better.Reagan if we look back to his days as governor and earlier was socially more liberal than he was as president.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Indeed, Darin. In fact, he was a DonkeyCrat for many years.

          “Mr. President, in talking about the continuing recession tonight, you have blamed mistakes of the past and you’ve blamed the Congress. Does any of the blame belong to you?” asked ABC White House Correspondent Sam Donaldson.

          “Yes, because for many years I was a Democrat,” replied Mr. Reagan.


  3. Darin says:

    The racial divide thing reminds me of a black man,about age 40 I saw standing infront of a KFC ranting about all sorts of stuff and carrying a billboard.

    As I walked by he was ranting to “stop KFC and their white,corporate greed and thier experimenting on colored people by putting a chemical in the fried chicken that causes sterility in Black men”

    As I went by I said “damn straight,whoever is making that s— needs to be sued too,cause obviously it doesn’t work”