Why the “climate change” gravy train can’t be derailed:

‘..The “Planet under Pressure” conference (PUP) in London in March, 2012, … was meant to turbocharge the Rio + 20 eco-summit last June…
More than 40 CSIRO people attended. Assuming $6000 per head on fares, hotels etc, that’s a quarter-million dollars
Another 40 Australian scientists and academics also went along – make that a half-million dollars total.  Did any attend the conference session on “Reinforcing sustainable travel behaviour”?…

I … turned up a press interview by the conference’ co-chair, [scientific director of CSIRO’s climate adaption flagship] Mark Stafford-Smith. He called for a “sustainable development council within the United Nations that has the same level of authority as the Security Council.” Not bad from a non-elected CSIRO politician…
The CSIRO claims that “almost all” of its 40+ attendees gave papers….
A search elicits 11 CSIRO papers discussed at the conference.  The conference also allowed 13 CSIRO people to put up on the wall, literally, a poster about their research, along with the other 1160 contributors’ posters, thus burnishing everyone’s CVs. Worthwhile? Taxpayers, you be the judge.
One CSIRO scientist scored an own goal in his paper on adaptation of Australian agriculture to climate change. Farmers were managing OK, “given that the climate change signal has not yet exceeded the ‘variability noise’ (bold mine. kg). Yet a CSIRO colleague had a paper: “Climate change impacts on farmer mental health: emerging connections”. How can our farmers be going mad from AGW if it’s not yet detectable? …’     source
Too many careers depending on too much taxpayer funding. These bastards ought to be jailed for fraud.

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11 Responses to Why the “climate change” gravy train can’t be derailed:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Why the fuck are Gillard and Conroy wasting $60 billion of taxpayer wedge for the National Broadband Network, when these trough-snuffling fucktards are only too happy to jump a plane to the world’s holiday hot-spots for their fucking love-ins?

    Have they not heard of fucking Skype? :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner

    • Darin says:

      “Have they not heard of fucking Skype?”

      Because Skype just isn’t the same as a $5,000 a night hotel room in Rio complete with under age prostitutes. :gunner :gunner :gunner

  2. KG says:

    One can’t explain the actions of a ruling criminal class in rational terms, Gantt. ;-)
    The arrogant CSIRO mob are – by any objective measure – criminals and welfare recipients. Yet they now form part of the ruling class. Receiving welfare and being a fraudster are now perfectly acceptable, provided you’re a member of the approved club.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I thought my comment was right on that fine line between irrational and “Here’s Daddy!!!”

      I can’t often act, speak or write rationally when the topic of the mendacious scum in the political and bureaucratic classes comes up. Hemp rope and lampposts are far too good for them.

  3. KG says:

    Three years of spreading human shit by hand in some Asian rice paddy would be a suitable sentence. :popcorn

    • Darin says:

      Are you sure they can be trained for that job?Given everything else they do they would probably f— that up too.

  4. Ronbo says:

    “Too many careers depending on too much taxpayer funding. These bastards ought to be jailed for fraud.”

    I say shot at dawn by military firing squads, because we are talking TREASON and TREASON carries the death sentence. :gunner

    You can’t tell me the Leftist pigs who created the Great Global Warming Hoax and ran with it for decades didn’t know what they are were doing and why! :twisted: It clearly was a dastardly plot designed to overthrow the Free World and institute world communism. :twisted:

    Pure and simple GGWH was the greatest act(s) of treason ever committed in world history.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’d double-check that if I were you, Ronbo. In NZ the former government reduced the sentence for treason. Probably to protect their own worthless necks.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!DAMN it gettin hot down here!!!Yours very tryuly et alia are approaching 10,069 feet underground in BlacfkBerry’s Chigger Kompound!!!Crop circles are appearing nightly on the black House front lawn some say predicting the end of life ass we knows it on Decembre 21, 2012. YVT is evolving that this Mayan predicktion may indeed be correct. YV.T will note quickly the agenda 4D next 24 hours. BlackBerry btw**** assed me to ass you down under in the 56-57th Steaks how long it will take to dig his ass there.

    Featured Evolving Events*:
    Special Luncheon @D Last Chance Arugula Buffet
    All U can eat! $29.95 [Gold coins only accepted]
    Valerie Vulva Vile Veggies will cater and present entertainment** following Dinner.
    A pitchur identification is required or NO entry.

    * in tradition with politicians even before the biggest lyer of all ever now especially true thinks yVt.
    **in the Lizard Lounge. Giant grasses of crystal meth flavored with speedballs and Smack directly from ObamaFarms, inc. in Afganistan. Following this straight from Paris ensemble, Van Jones will teach “How to make Van’s Rib Rub Recipe.” The course will be: a. rack of legal illleegal ribs harvested fresh today. b. marinate in Valerie Vulva’s Vile oil bas3ed sauce, c. Light big gas grill. d. Toss rib rack on grill and slow cook for 69 hours or until meat b fallin off the bone. Some ribs will be served on the bone and some will be off the bone. !!!Shit dam!!!Yours verily trurily be freakN this Harvard Honky out!!gotta go ta ta HarvardPotatoHead aka get me out of here please please please.
    ***btw = No Honkies need apply, btw.

  6. Contempt says:

    Fellow commenters – I have been feverishly working to get Harvard his meds which keep him down to four personalities. KG You didn’t catch that fish by yo’self!

    So the Dems say to hell with God and to Hell with America and once you go black you never go back – is that racist? Half maybe all of my country America may be crazy. Romney is a nice man who may keep parts of oBowaCare. So it’s 1-2-3-4 what are we gonna do?