What’s wrong with this picture?

Chicago teachers go on strike.    Drudge
‘Turn Down $400 Million Deal, 16% Pay Raise…’
‘Have Highest Average Salary In Nation…’
‘Average $76,000 per year before benefits…’

‘79% of Chicago 8th Graders ‘Not Proficient in Reading’…’

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15 Responses to What’s wrong with this picture?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Nothing, if you happen to belong to the Teachers’ Union. It matters not whether children can read, write or do ‘rithmetic (after all, the poor little fuckers aren’t going to have jobs in which to show off these skills, are they). What matters is feathering the nests of teachers and their union shop-stewards.

    • Darin says:

      Gantt,the tell tale is that these union dingbats have gone so far and gotten so greedy that even an Ultra liberal Dem like Rahm Emanuel has said no to them.That’s the shocker here.

      Personally I would do like Reagan did with the ATC strike and tell them to be back at work Monday or be fired :twisted:

  2. Fairfacts Media says:

    Now, remind me which politician comes from Chicago.
    The city is a shining example to the rest of America of Dummicrats in charge!

  3. Heltau says:

    16% pay raise on 76,000 dollars 12,160 dollars pay raise.
    This is more than I make from my navy retirtment, before all the taxes are taken out. AFTER 22 years being out of the navy and having less than 22 years of COLA. Which thee retired military did not get in the past 3 years, because we were told there was NO inflation to give you a COLA for. However, federal congress kept getting their 20 to 40 per cent pay raises during all of this time of 22 years.
    Take all the federal income from ALL these striking schools and give it to the BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA. It would be used a lot better than to the school systems and the people that inhabit the school systems. GET HER DONE!!!!! :rant
    and people wonder why I am an angry white boy. :rant

  4. mawm says:

    Is this the beginning of the necessary ‘civil unrest’ Obama’s handlers require to declare marshall law because his reelection chances have become too uncertain? I would not be at all surprised to find that it is being planned in smokey rooms…..a union in the most corrupt of Democrat cities would certainly be very ‘helpful’ in their time of need. Remember they are hard left socialist and this is their last best chance to take complete control and they feel that they are so close…… Where’s Leo Gerrard? :popcorn

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Rahm Emmanuel’s involvement seems to indicate you’re less raving conspiracy-theory looney and more, well, right!

      • mawm says:

        :wtf I’m not quite sure that the ‘less’ is strong enough in your comment. :cheers

        With Axelrod’s attack on Gallup for not having good numbers for The Won, it looks like the Dems are preempting any Rep challenge of electoral fraud. Add this ( http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/09/10/white-house-insider-ohio-now-turning-to-romney-polling-data-101/ ) from The Ulsterman to it.

        I know, I know, I’m just a conspiracy theory loon. :roll:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          somewhat less? :whoop

          They’ve already proven they’d rather be the ones counting the votes than the ones doing the voting. The shameful display at their Convention proved that. Add the Axelrod standover tactics at Gallup, the litigation against states wanting to introduce voter ID laws, and working to prevent military personnel from voting and it becomes clear why they’re not more panicked about Romney out fundraising them so comprehensively.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Oh, and welcome to the Conspiracy Theory Loon club. Your decoder ring and instructions for the secret handshake are in the mail. :cheers

          • mawm says:

            Don’t forget the Soros owned Spanish company doing the counting.

            ‘It’s Not the People Who Vote that Count; It’s the People Who Count the Votes’. – attributed to Stalin apparently.

            • Contempt says:

              Yeah, a Spanish company counting our votes is beyond understanding and makes me very queasy. Absolutely NO reason for this except bad ones.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Yes, they might be greedy trough-snuffling pigs, but think of the value they add! Think of them not as merely taxpayer-funded babysitters, but a genuine Fifth Column of warriors in the culture wars. Indoctrination Special Forces, if you will.

    And on that note, I would particularly like to congratulate an educator in Portland, Oregon, for advancing the cause into the children’s lunch boxes. Apparently, Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches contain not just traces of nuts, but traces of racism as well!


  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    I had a peek at the “Mondale-Ferraro ahead in polls” item. The food prices in the newspaper were to weep for!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yeah well, that was before the NWO and private bankers got together with corrupt politicians to destroy our currencies.

      • Darin says:

        Those prices were higher than we paid back east here,Ribeyes were $1.19lb then and Cantaloupes were $.25.

        The real shockers then were car parts prices. Delco alternator was $17.50 with exchange and R12 Freon was three 1lb cans for $.99 those were the days :cool:

        More importantly however,did you see the headline-“Economy Gallops along at 7.5% growth”?

        Contrast that with BJ Clintons assertion that “no president could turn this crisis around in four years” :roll