more self-satirising academics:

Between 2010 and 2099, climate change will cause an additional 30,000 murders, 200,000 cases of rape, 1.4 million aggravated assaults, 2.2 million simple assaults, 400,000 robberies, 3.2 million burglaries, 3.0 million cases of larceny, and 1.3 million cases of vehicle theft in the United States.…’                     source
Via Tim Blair

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24 Responses to more self-satirising academics:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    As opposed to Islam, which will cause none of those.

    And as opposed to Progressivism, which will bring prosperity to the poor, the flow of enslavement to the rich, indoctrination for every child and a goat for every muslim.

  2. MIchael in Nelson says:

    GG, I din’t realise Progressives were in the matchmaking business. :mrgreen:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      They believe that cozying up to the goat-rooters is the best way to grow generations of leftist voters. And if providing goat-rooters with goats is a sufficient bribe, then sobeit. They don’t realise that they first things the goat-rooters will do when they seize power is hang the useless progressive turds from the nearest piece of heavy machinery.

      hmmm..Andrei: any chance of a goat-rooting smiley?

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Well GG after the debacles at the US embassies in Egypt and Lybia I have three words (and unlike Biden and Obama, I can count) “Lake of glass”

  3. Darin says:

    You mean now all that stuff is caused by Climate Change and not Guns???? :wtf

    Just another example of lefty mental gymnastics :gunner :gunner

  4. mawm says:

    Unbelievable. :wtf

    The research will of course have been paid for by the taxpayer and he/she will get a PhD for his/her thesis. No wonder there are so many useless unemployed, unemployable academics around flipping burgers (that is if they can’t get a tenured post at some progressive university producing more idiots like them).

    Hopefully centuries down the line mankind will look on these leftwing idiots and equate them with medieval scholars discussing how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. :roll

  5. john says:

    Does one laugh or cry?
    As the ancient Greeks so tirelessly reminded us, those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. And these fuckers are batshit crazy that’s for sure. Trouble is, they’ve escaped the asylum and they’re on the loose.

  6. kowtow says:

    Climate change and crime?

    What impact would a new ice age have? Ther planet is more usually covered in sheet loads of it.
    Meanwhile enjoy the warming while we have it. Much better than freezing your effing balls off.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Speaking of self-satirising, it seems Australia has built up a heretofore-unknown, yet quite successful export industry:


    They’ve sent Red Russell to run the watermelon party here in NZ, and if you check the accent of the mad woman in the clip below (new leader of the UK Watermelons), I’m sure you’ll hear a familiar twang.

    Oh, and Bravo Mr Lilley for identifying and naming the real enemy!

  8. KG says:

    Did you know….
    that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist?

  9. KG says:

    :shock: you mean..I’m a stealth racist?

  10. jon says:

    Harvard….JFK School of Government…Let me see..Ok, Connect the dots to the Carbon War Room and the Club of Madrid. Now who was it that had a press release that a Billion dollars had been budgeted for Rio? Oh yeah….CARBON WAR ROOM…….Then I had to ask myself ‘Where is Maurice in this paper trail?’….Nope, I don’t think that that guy from Costa Rica who went to West Point (wonder if they addressed him as Cadet Olsen?) . No, I could be wrong on this fine gentleman, because he was not at the UN long enough for that wonderful Canadian man Maurice to have any influence on his desire to rid the world of Carbon Dioxide, I base this on the fact the the Canadian had left his position with the UN long before ex-cadet Joe Olsen made his way to that most revered body of nit whits in New York…..Oops, gotta go and attend to my foil hat factory just in case I get a big order from Harvard.

  11. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!The Bog Administraitor****!!Did someone say “Harvard?” Yours V. trulily was napping when yvt received this interstellar communique* in the latrine on the 69th level in BlackBerry’s Underground Chigger Kompound and can tell you this this other fellow did not build those fax. No way they R keereck cause if you look at his list of counties** he done leff out Chicago!!!
    YVT does not get to go out anymore except to dump shit @ D Israeli special sewage entrance out back near where BlackBerry pees out the Lincoln Bedroom window. So I don’t know about global warning.
    Special Screening 2nite!!Double Feature!!
    Produced and directed by the Muslim Brotherhood especially for Hillary, BlackBerry, and the rest of the Dumbasses.
    “How to perform Clitorectomies on you daughters [or anybody else]”
    Live demonstrations in the town squares of Cairo! RSVP now for seating.
    “How to Goose yer Goat or Camel”
    New and old techniques using willing partners.
    better go will send U my gps get me out of here yvt feeling a little queasy about the management tata Yours Verily Trurily, HarvardPotatoHead

    *interstellar communique – must have been mighty strong making it thru all those neutrinos and crop circles
    **Now yvt of course did not go that deeply in the research [did you hell no] after seeing the name of the author. He was @Harvard when BlackBerry***and yV.T was there.
    ***Ain’t really solid that BB was there but take he at his word.
    ****Was at Custer’s Last Stand with injuns swirling around He had one shot left and drank it!!!hahahahaha

  12. Oswald Bastable says:

    I just brought a new M-14. Blame that on ‘çlimate change’, too :gunner