‘FLOTUS: Obesity ‘Absolutely’ Greatest Threat To National Security’


One hesitates to use the term “moron”….usually. But in this case, it surely fits.

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6 Responses to ‘FLOTUS: Obesity ‘Absolutely’ Greatest Threat To National Security’

  1. Contempt says:

    oBowa http://pjmedia.com/spengler/2012/09/12/when-do-we-get-to-attack-obamas-character/?singlepage=true

    Every damn thing I read just makes me sicker. Wish I could snap my fingers and make everybody wake up.

    • KG says:

      From your link, Contempt:
      “..Barack Obama is a clever fellow who imbibed hatred of America with his mother’s milk, but worked his way up the elite ladder of education and career. He shares the resentment of Muslims against the encroachment of American culture, although not their religion. He has the empathetic skill set of an anthropologist who lives with his subjects, learns their language, and elicits their hopes and fears while remaining at emotional distance. That is, he is the political equivalent of a sociopath. The difference is that he is practicing not on a primitive tribe but on the population of the United States…”
      And that was written before he was elected!

      • Contempt says:

        Yeah, like I’ve said before, I damn sure could not vote for someone who listens to a God Damn America preacher and could not vote for McCain who clearly has no compass. Simply did not vote for president – first time ever. Now I gotta vote for Mitt and pray that somebody wakes up to our enemy islam. Don’t want a “nice man” in the Oval Office, want a gutpuncher.

        Just watched this video three times. It speaks to me. Mitt needs to learn it not to mention every other fat lazy politician and half of America. Nah! I’m not hot under the collar! “You’ve got another thing coming” Judas Priest in Memphis 1982. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82w5pCM7cHA

  2. Darin says:

    I wonder what Acre Butt will say when the Secret Service can’t get her a 32oz Big Gulp to go with her Double Qaurter-pounder with Cheese and super sized fries on the next trip to New York?


  3. Did she really say that, oh what a moron! And this moron has the ear of the president.


    Hope you have been well KG. I’m back in the blogosphere, trying to at least.