More primitive maori bollocks

Maori king: ‘We own water’
So, next time you’re flooded out, Kiwis, just sue the “owners” of the stuff! And “maori king” my long would this clown have lasted as “king” back in the (fairly recent) days of tribal warfare?  Some king..sustained by welfare and relying entirely on white men’s inventions and ingenuity for everything he uses and enjoys. A clown and a puppet deserving of no respect whatsoever.

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17 Responses to More primitive maori bollocks

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    Well they do own the water. It’s now a fact of NZ law.

    John Key, Smile’n’Wave the State House Kid signed the UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples into New Zealand law.

    And that says Maori own the water, the air, the land, all and any resources.

  2. KG says:

    A U.N. declaration can declare Mt Everest is a doughnut…that doesn’t make it true.

  3. medusa says:

    Maori are NOT indigenous to New Zealand, they are bloody immigrants :evil: :rant

  4. KG says:

    Accidental brown flotsam trumps deliberate white settlement, Medusa. ;-)

  5. Katie says:

    The next flood should bring lawsuits against every Maori tribe, every person. Take them for every cent, demand that they be deported to a desert island, then nuke the place.

    • KG says:

      That ranks as one of the most stupid comments I’ve read recently, Katie. :roll

      • Katie says:

        No? They own the shore, the water, what is next the air? It is time you get rid of the Maori problem before they get rid of you.

        • KG says:

          FFS, Katie! In the first place, it’s not all maori. Second, even if it was, there is no way Kiwis can “get rid of the maori problem” within the current legal and political framework.
          Airy generalisations about deportation and nukes are simply silly.
          What’s more, they provide ammunition for those who claim that CR is a racist blog, since that kind of stupid comment is indefensible.

          • octagongrappler says:

            Yep KG

            Its the Tribal Elite that are the enemy of all kiwis including urban maori and the ordinary maori on the street. Its the Political class led by Mr Key. joining forces with the tribal maori elite..

            • Darin says:

              It’s the same thing as here I bet.It’s not the rank and file of any race that are the problem.Quite the opposite,most members of western cultures generally will get along fine,freedom has that effect.
              It’s the lying radical Marxists and social engineering communists that stir up the trouble and they are found in every group.
              They divide us,separate us into factions and turn us against each other,they have to in order to gain any power.If they were to take their masks off,people would see what they really are,what they represent and they would reject them straight away.

          • Katie says:

            That’s like saying its not all Muslims.

            How many live off of welfare?
            How many kill/maim their children?

            How many stories of either or both have you written?

            They are not indigenous to the land. They have been there only 1100 years. And they should be treated that way.

            • KG says:

              “That’s like saying its not all Muslims.”
              No, it isn’t. You demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation, Katie.
              All muslims,in order to be muslims adhere to the Koran. And apostasy is punishable by death.
              There is no such over-arching, common ideology which binds maori. None.
              Therefore maori cannot be treated as a common entity, regardless of what their (often) self-appointed “leaders” may claim.
              “How many live off of welfare?
              How many kill/maim their children?”
              A larger percentage than non-maoris. But–unlike muslims–other maori don’t form a support culture for that behaviour, they’re not the ‘sea in which the revolutionary swims’ to borrow Mao’s term.
              To draw comparisons between the two is lazy and absurd.

              • Cadwallader says:

                The “maori” problem is only a problem because idiotic white liberal apologists have given the grievance industry traction. I blame that lot ahead of any maori.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    If Maoris own water, then can we piss on them? :whoop

  7. KG says:

    Redbaiter has a post up which illustrates perfectly the state of politics in NZ:

    • Darin says:

      “1.FFS! I just picked my jaw up off the floor! Why the hell this clown doesn’t simply join the Labour Party and shill for them is a bloody mystery”

      To answer your question,by masquerading as a conservative a closet liberal is holding an elected office and blocking any challenge from a real conservative.

      I call it the “McCain maneuver” edited to add,these are most easily identified by the loyalties they hold.

  8. pompuss says:

    :sad: :sad: :sad:
    The truly sad thing about the current water (+ wind, + +++) argument is that there can be no winners.
    If the government backs down in the face of continual Maori demands for greater compensation and control, the majority non-Maori population (and some Maori too) will be extremely pissed off and will take other options – migration and refusal to invest in NZ being the least aggressive.
    If the government hangs tough and ignores Maori demands the issue will be a festering sore for generations to come and racially divisive politics could become the norm.
    In either case companies in capital starved NZ will find it hard to source the $ needed to develop and grow and the economy will stagnate even more.

    A great pity as NZ with a strategic vision and strong leadership, could have become a great little country, not the failed Pacific state that will result from the current economic sabotage of the Labour party and the Greens coupled with the self interest and greed of the brown elite of Maoridom.

    Intelligent, well educated, hardworking Kiwis vote with their feet and Australia is likely to be the beneficiary of that. My personal slaves are not alone in saying that they are glad their grandchildren will be Australian.