Dempsey: Traitor, coward, or simply another Obama apparatchik?

‘Head of Joint Chiefs: Back Off On Islamists’

“…That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart. His passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse.”

UPDATE:        Mark Steyn:  ‘An act of war, not a protest’
And Richard Fernandez, of Belmont Club, is very, very angry…and devastatingly accurate.

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42 Responses to Dempsey: Traitor, coward, or simply another Obama apparatchik?

    • KG says:

      interesting stuff, Andrei. And the General is hardly a fringe looney…..

      • Contempt says:

        A Spanish company counting US election votes. Millions of hollow point bullets ordered. etc. Barack rasing money and joking in Las Vegas while three embassy’s are attacked. Hillary laughing at the killing of Kaddafy saying “We came, we saw, He’s dead” as heard on a tape on Michael Savage last night.

        These heinous humans? are incredible. I can believe anything.

  1. mawm says:

    He’s Barack’s man, what else would you expect? Maybe publically tell Israel that he won’t cover their back? Oh, he’s done that already. :roll:

  2. KG says:

    Even lowly 2nd lieutenants know to toe the current orthodox line, Mawm but at this level, it’s all politics, all the time.
    The current crop of top brass are a fairly gutless bunch of PC yes-men. :evil:

  3. Heltau says:

    “…That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
    Let him depart. His passport shall be made,
    And crowns for convoy put into his purse.”
    Shakespear part of a speech from Henry the V about 1 hour and 20 minutes into the movie. One of the most rousing speeches that have ever been writen and given.
    makes me weep for this country every time I hear it.
    Once more into the breach dear friends, once more, or close the wall up with our English dead!! great movie.

  4. Heltau says:

    Being older now somehow I understand Shakespear more now than I did when the English teacher was trying to explane it to us in high school. It has become oh so much more revlant to me. What a word smith Shakespear is. :whoop

  5. KG says:

    Oh yes, Heltau. :grin: :grin: Yes indeed. Harold Bloom, in The Western Canon, says that Shakespeare said everything there was to say about the human condition. And he taught us to look at ourselves in an entirely new way.
    I feel very sorry for kids who manage to get through their education (or is that “education”?) without a good teacher to introduce them to the likes of Shakespeare.

  6. KG says:

    You might enjoy this..Kenneth Branagh in the “tennis balls” scene from H5

  7. john says:

    I much prefer the version that goes;
    “…That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
    let’s shoot the cunt now.” :gunner

  8. topbrass re getting our BEST killed w/PC RoEs-burning their Bibles – threatening authors like our Seal Team 6 author–Grrrrrrrrrrr

  9. sbk says:

    to inspire !…seals club man…the mansion full of holes,proclaims..the seal squeals.

    I suppose there is nothing left to be said when even your best(GUNG HO…)stop!…and try to set the record write.

    shit as Harry said, the buck stops here.

    • Anonymous says:

      The military don’t start wars. Politicians start wars.
      – William Westmoreland.

      funny thing is…black pyjama…kaftan…black suits…never ever could tell…who was exactly what…my time has come and gone….it all seems to me,to been a waste of time…
      should have rooted myself silly…had multiple children…and sucked on the public teat ..Silly me.

  10. Anonymous says:

    sorry KG for the rant…

    but as a former grunt ..and we all swear to serve(either of the mould…or get the fuck out)…obey orders..

    ,,,never ever met the current CJCS nor been within a cooee of any past serving…

  11. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Did someone say “Generals?”!!!YV.Truly understands because he has an IQ over 200 and is a member of Mensa, a Harvard Law Skool grad and can proudly state that he has never owned or fired even a BB gun and enjoys the company of same where was I? Oh! BlackBerry demands that he bodyguardz check pitcher id’s on his Heneralmentes also these elite fighters are not permitted to carry guns or rubber band shooters. They are only permitted to bend over for BlackBerry and Staff C’sars. Yrs V. Trly feels safe in the Chigger Kompound esp @D 12,000 foot level for sure. It is becoming quite hot down here, my piss boils when I shoot it into the latrine.

    Just a few notes then Must get back to work catching bedbugs by hand.
    Screening in the Sex Shoppe “Lovely Democrat Women” featuring Diane Finkstein, Barb Bloxer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary “Da’Babe” Klingon, Diplomatic Pouch demonstrating buttock manuevers. Vying for first place are: Debbie Wasserman Le’SchultZ vs “Ms. BlackBerry” Show starts @ 10 PM United Steaks of America East Coast Promo Time. 4More info contact George’O@kenya.hut

    Briefly: @11Pm USAECPT. Octavius & Napoleon A’sheekka teach Shrimp Head Poppin Lessonz followed by How U devein them [shrimps]. Following the lesson all will sing “It’s Shrimp Head Popp Poppin Time Shrimp poppin poppin time etc”*
    back 2 work writing the research paper, ” Why all our generals are Gelded.”tata Yours Verily Trulily HarvardPotatoHead please come rescue me will send U my gps please.
    * adaopted to “Finger Poppin Time” by Hank Ballard

    • Contempt says:

      Flashman. You said what many believe, no more Legions left. We can come back with necessary changes going far beyond a new president as you know.
      @KG – please go save Harvard!

      @Harvard – You almost making some sense nowadays so try to improve. Start with a BB gun. Otherwise book this band for the inmantes down there with you – Elliot and the Untouchables, a Blues band

    • john says:

      “… my piss boils when I shoot it into the latrine.” What a beautiful word picture you paint Harvard. Glad that university education hasn’t gone to waste. :mrgreen:

  12. Flashman says:

    To paraphrase Fred On Everything’s recent blog post: the last war the US had to win was WW2. Since that time, playing at World Policeman has meant that in every conflict since the US has been playing not to lose. Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq 1, Iraq 2, and now the 10-year long Via Dolorosa that is Afghanistan – different scenery, same policy vacuum.

    So perhaps at last the lesson is sinking in at the five-sided puzzle palace that aggressively poking into other people’s affairs around the world tends to cost more than it is likely to gain?

    This is a Twilight of Empire scenario after all. Like Rome in the 3rd Century, America is bankrupt and its Age of Iron and Rust reality means it can no longer afford to throw five legions across the Rhine or into Armenia to impose its will on its enemies or to prop up a client king. Dempsey and his Emperor have no money, no stomach and no political will to do otherwise.

    • KG says:

      “Where now are the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
      Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
      Where is the harp on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
      Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
      They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
      The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow…”

    • rivoniaboy says:

      Quite right Flashman – my feelings exactly.

  13. Kathleen says:

    Dempsey is an freakin’ chicken apparatchik for Comrade Obama.

  14. mawm says:

    Obama’s got himself in a right old pickle. That’s what happens when you get the janitor in to do the brain surgery. Meanwhile the adulterer’s wife has shown how befriending the enemy doesn’t change what they are – the enemy.

    The only solution I can see is for the USA to back Israel in destroying Iran’s nukes, tell the House of Saud to fuck themselves and let the Muslim world know that each and every slight against the USA will be punished……..disproportionally. As for aid, forget it.

    Of course this is diametrically opposite to what he who could heal the planet and part the seas wanted. The ‘narrative’ can do so much………… :popcorn

  15. Heltau says:

    I wonder if all this mess in the mid east and around the world now, is the start of the 21 dec, 2012 end of the human race? I figured it would be a meteor or meteors coming in from space that would arrive on the 21 of dec. Well, you never know when the end is getting here. :roll:

    • Darin says:

      Large scale CME-Coronal Mass Ejection

      IIPeter 3:10-11 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.

      From the movie “Knowing”-

  16. Flashman says:

    I’ve lived a long life. The only time that was as bad as this was late 1950’s- early 1960’s when the Cold War could have gone Hot at any time. Cuban Missiles and all that.

    The difference today though is that the West’s moral core is rotten with political correctness and multiculturalism, its leadership [and I use that term in only a nominal way] are empty-suited career politicians, and [Big Elephant in the Room] economically it hasn’t a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out.

    Hard Rain’s hitting the windows folks.

  17. oswald bastable says:

    There is hope over your way!

    Although I prefer rule 7.62 for those assholes!

  18. KG says:

    from your link, Os:
    ” Late in the afternoon a lone man from outside the group shouted: “Shame on you for promoting murder in the name of religion.”

    The crowd swarmed at him attacking him and sparking a second wave of violent clashes with police.

    Police rushed to the man’s aide and dragged him out of the park under a rain of waterbottles, sticks and abuse”
    “peaceful demo”, eh….these assholes are only peaceful for as long as it suits them.
    Good on the wallopers for gassing the vermin. :mrgreen:

  19. KG says:

    This is the B- grade movie the primitives are pretending to be outraged by. I was going to put it up, but it’s too awful even as a shit-stirring exercise:

  20. KG says:

    Yep, that’s it Carol. And I’m willing to bet that almost none of the murdering thugs have actually seen it.