The latest ‘Woodpile Report’ is up. As always, a gem.

‘…Actual gunmen aren’t the feral urban predators who menace the world of journalism majors. The world of real gunmen is one of canoe and campfire and morning dew, of autumnal uplands and the splendor of the high country and beyond, of protecting kith and kin as a first principle, of competing and collecting, of handling the past with respect, of stories and advice and life-long bonds with their fellows. Gun people relive as much as they live because they’re participants, not bystanders. They shrink from neither danger nor duty, nor will they be violated without consequence.’     HERE

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3 Responses to The latest ‘Woodpile Report’ is up. As always, a gem.

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    He does stroke that keyboard mighy purty! :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    And makes it seem so bloody effortless, too.

  3. RobertvdL says:

    “nor will they be violated without consequence”

    so when do they wake up and start the fight ?