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7 Responses to OBAMA’S THUGS

  1. KG says:

    Feel free to use it, email it, whatever.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Arab “Springtime” of 2011 was really “The Springtime For Hitler.”

      Old totalitarian beliefs never die…They just smell that way.

  2. Darin says:

    OT-Four more soldiers killed in Afghanistan,by our “partners in peace” :evil: The death toll keeps rising and the MSM is silent all to protect their god king Obama :censor


    • Ronbo says:

      In this country everyone knows the Lamestream Leftard Media are in the bag for Obama and the Democommies, which explains why their ratings keep going down, down, DOWN.

      The name of the game is the New Media where Glenn Beck recently started an entire 24/7 news network that is fair and balanced on cable, and available anywhere in the world via the Internet.

      Will the last person watching CNN (Communist News Network) please shut off the television?

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Actung*!!!TONITE!!BlackBerry has assed Yrs V. Trly 2 announce to legal illegal spics, nigs, honkys, West Nile viruses, clap, crabs and bedbug catchers the following notice which all R sexpected to attend, no evolving Ellowed—-
    N D Lecture Auditorium: Grant Writing Techniques
    A. How to get lot’s O Viagara
    Instructor: Dr. Joseph Goebbles, III
    Learn how to score viagra so you can fertilize your tomatoes and not have to use stakes to hold them up.
    ALSO: How to make crack, tranquilizers, take drunk, or better yet, let HarvardPotatoHead do it 4 U.

    B. Cours: How 2 go Stark Ravin’ Mad
    Instruktor: Dr. Hillary Klinton, PhD., Lunacy University N Outer Space
    Alternate Course N D Midnite Hour: How to make Your Voice 2 Cause People’s Skin 2 Crawl.

    C. Korse: How to Win Friends & Influence Peoples
    INstructer: Che Guevara, PhD., DDS, DD, DFU, Harvard College

    D. Course: Religiously Correct Instructions for Wife Beating
    Instructor: Mohammed X

    E. Course: How 2 Insult Islam
    Instructor: Dr. Open’yo Mout, pHd, Egyption U. [near the pyramid] Cairo

    Here cums Diplomatic Pouch !!OOM MGGGG!!! tata Yours Verily Trurilly HarvardPotatoHead
    ps: BlackBerry assed me to ass you guys down there in the 56-57th+ Steaks or any of the other steaks if you wants a personally signed autogiraffed photograph of him for only $500/free shipping. If U don’t buy, YV. trly’s ass gets whipped bad.

    *Play that country song backasswards and in reverse order get sober, get your health and girlfriend back. Quietly in the supporting choir in D balcony BlackBerry sings Get a Job si nana si ni na na na da boom da boom boom boom boom ah dip dip dip get a job

  4. Contempt says:

    Dang, somehow I knew Harvard would pop up. KG for all our sakes please delete that fartknocker. :evil:

    Mawm – You ain’t nothing but a hounddog, crying all the time. You ain’t never caught a rabbit, you ain’t no friend of mine.