‘Obama implements blasphemy law, sharia’

Mike at Cold Fury:
‘…This is precisely what tyranny looks like, people. It is a photo of an Obamerican subject being hauled off for “voluntary” questioning in the dead of night, in front of a mass of Ministry Of Propaganda cameras, for the Crime Against The State of exercising his supposed free speech “rights,” now nonexistent…for him, and for all of us. If this doesn’t get your blood absolutely boiling, and inspire both dismay and an ironclad determination to rid yourself of liberal-fascist tyranny once and for all, then crouch down and lick the hand that both feeds and enslaves you; may you wear your chains lightly, and may posterity forget that you were ever my countryman. The same holds especially true for any pedantic, smug fool who is making excuses for this outrage against liberty, or cheering it on…’

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22 Responses to ‘Obama implements blasphemy law, sharia’

  1. Seneca III says:

    On the subject of Dhimmified Police (Forces? – Services?) it is worth noting in the UK that ACPO, the ‘Association of Chief Police Officers’, is a Private Limited Company and as such it is not subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as are other executive branches of government.

    It is in effect a secret society and yet it sees fit and is able to dictate to the UK police forces how they will apply the law (Common Law as interpreted through Statute Law) on the ground.

    Indeed it was they who defined what precisely constituted a RRHTD (Racist, Religious, Homophobic, Transphobic or Disability) ‘hate crime’ thus:

    “Any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race.

    Any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s religion or perceived religion.

    Any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation.

    Any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender perceived to be transgender.

    Any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s disability or perceived disability.”

    Note “perceived, by the victim OR ANY OTHER PERSON!” Orwellian or what?

    Note also the inclusion of the last three ‘victim groups’ in order to give a veneer of human decency to legislation that is designed to provide protection solely for the benefit of the one invasive racial/religious group alluded to in the first two grouping yet never really mentioned by name.

    Well, whilst Islam is neither a race nor a religion – it is a barbaric theocratic political system – by designating it as either as a racial and/or religious group these laws prevent or punish any open discussion, or response, to our ongoing ethnic cleansing in the name of ‘multiculturism’.

    George must be looking on wide eyed from his grave as our ruling classes bring his prophecy, 1984, into a very real and dark existence, albeit a little later than projected. S III. :wtf

  2. KG says:

    Seneca, I truly believe we are now utterly screwed. Very soon it will be only old men who remember a semblance of liberty.

  3. GW says:

    There is more to this story. The guy that made this film did so under an alias – for obvious reasons. It was the FBI that publicly announced his real identity to the world. That is probably the most outrageous act of the Obama administration to date – and let me tell you, that is saying a lot.

    To be clear, it doesn’t matter WHO produced this film. It is not a crime. So what possible justification is there for the FBI to publicly identify the “key figure” behind this film? There is none. Our 1st Amendment absolutely forbids any legal action against this man. This is thuggery in its purest form – endangering the life of the person fingered and sending a message to anyone else in the U.S. who might want to make their feelings on Islam known but are too afraid to exercise their rights without anonymity because some Salafi nut job might behead them.

    What is really going on here is that the Middle East is almost wholly in the hands of the radicals now – and that looks very bad for Obama. The administration is putting all of the blame on this poor bastard for the film in an attempt to deflect from reality prior to the election.

    Honest to God, if this poor bastard spends one day in jail or gets beheaded by someone from the religion of peace, we won’t need an election, we will need a revolution.

    • KG says:

      GW, I can’t get “Wolf Howling” up. What’s happening?

      • GW says:

        hmmmm, not sure, its working on my end and I am getting traffic. That said, my hotlinks are not working for several sites now, such as Fox News. When I want to visit them, I am having to do a search through Bing or Google. Please let me know if the problems continue, I’ll see what blogger has to say.

        • KG says:

          Thanks. I’ll keep trying.
          Hmmm….it’s hanging on this:
          Sphere – Apache HTTP Server Test Page powered by CentOS *

          A simple way to increase engagement, generate new revenue and drive traffic to your mobile-optimized site. Available now!. Learn more


  4. Darin says:

    Mark Steyn as usual hits the nail on the head-


  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Drudge headlines (in the sidebar at Redbaiter’s):

    “Ambassador Rice: Libya attacks NOT premeditated”
    “Libyan President: ‘No doubt’ Consulate attack was ‘preplanned’ starting months ago”
    “Libyan official warned USA ‘3 days before attack”

    The administration is trying so desperately to spin this as the spontaneous actions of a few radical militants they look utterly ridiculous.

    • KG says:

      Ridiculous, and an enormous threat to liberty, GG.

      • Darin says:

        “Spontaneous demonstrations” they say?

        Spontaneous is jogging down to the corner store for ice cream.

        400 armed men,attacking at the same time from three sides using heavy machine guns and RPG is not a “spontaneous demonstration” spontaneous my ass :evil:

        It’s coming out now that the Lybians had warned them for several weeks something was coming and their security was lax at best and they did nothing.Here we are again playing cops and robbers when we should be killing anyone that even looks funny.

  6. how does a true believer in the original Constitution respond to the usurpation of freedom and the implementation of tyranny—
    I’m taking a few days off from all of this- —
    it makes me angry that we’ve allowed the slow slide to continue for 80+ years and
    we keep getting the same meme-like
    vote for the lesser of two evils – it is better than _ _ —insert name- or –or –or -=–
    I’m not giving up though!


  7. KG says:

    I took a few days off, Carol..in fact I intended to give up blogging altogether. But that’s not really an option, is it?
    This latest outrage demonstrates that we simply have to keep going, and add our voices to the fight no matter how small those voices may be.

  8. mawm says:

    This video of a Michelle Bachman speech is appearing on a number of sites. I have linked to the one on Theo Spark. Give it 20 mins, it’s good.


  9. So they found something to charge this fellow with, somehow they managed to cook something up to appease the arab mob.

    Shocking isn’t it, the leader of the free world, on his knees, groveling and apologizing. He’s supposed to defend the right to free speech of his citizens to the death, but gave it up without a whimper, like good little whipping boy.

    A disgraceful coward, and yet worshiped by groveling fools.

  10. so much for a few days off!!

    my thanks to mawm for the link to the M. Bachman speech-
    she said what I have been saying-= take away ‘aid’ (tribute) –no more appeasement–(Jefferson sending the new Navy – Marines –the words ‘Shores of Tripoli’ came from that battle) –and – –Duty – Honor-Country (you all know how I love West Point) and all of our military BEST!!!
    So-tomorrow I’ll start a ‘few days off!