the ignorant asses responsible for the Kenyan Klown:

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8 Responses to the ignorant asses responsible for the Kenyan Klown:

    • john says:

      Great photos. First, Obama shows how big his dick is and then look at the faces of all those hos, especially Moochelle.
      Then there’s Armadinajacket who’s obviously escaped suicide watch as he’s minus his tie…. again.
      What a pack of sad fucks. :gunner

  1. KG says:

    So they did, and still do. But they’re weasel-words, Contempt, because that has sweet FA to do with the effects of violent muslims on Western societies.
    They can kill one another until the cows come home, but when they kill people for being Westerners and/or Christians, when they behave as they do when resident in our countries, then that becomes our business.
    As usual, that slimy bastard kinda slid right on past the crucial issue. :rant

  2. KG says:

    Sad, dangerous fucks, John.

  3. KG says:

    please try to put comments at the bottom of the thread, or at least after earlier replies to a particular comment. That’s the whole point of threaded comments. Otherwise replies appear to be out of context. Thanks.

  4. mistress mara says:

    Howard Stern’s interviewees … :wtf … people THAT stupid should be stripped naked, dipped in hot oil and hung from trees to let the sun fry the rest of their brains. Instead of which, they will be allowed to vote.

  5. KG says:

    Not only allowed, Mara but bribed as well. With your money and mine.