Bob Carr is a pandering dimwit.

‘..FOREIGN Minister Bob Carr will take an Australian plan to curb the violent global protests sparked by an anti-Islamic video, which led to the Sydney riots last week, to a UN meeting in New York today…
The Carr plan, which seeks to fund the promotion of moderate Islamic institutes in Australia and other western nations, and fund a website for Muslims to vent their anger, has already received the backing of the French government.’              via Andrew Bolt
It was a bizarre joke in the first place, making this clown Foreign Minister. Now it’s gone from a joke to a farce. The taxpayer is going to fund “moderate islamic institutes”? What the hell for? It won’t stop the more radical (I know, I know) islamojerks from doing their thing. As for funding a website for the primitives to “vent their anger”….words almost fail. Where’s the taxpayer-funded website for Australians to vent their anger? Or Jews or Christians or…it’s a long list. And does this fuckwit really believe either measure will turn muslims into harmless, assimilated Australians? Of course he doesn’t–even Carr’s not that thick. But it sure as hell plays well to the U.N. and Gillard is currently sucking up to that bunch of totalitarian thugs for a temporary seat on the Security Council. At our expense.

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36 Responses to Bob Carr is a pandering dimwit.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Dimwit … or DHIM-wit? :roll:

    • KG says:

      I suspect the latter. (very clever, by the way. :o )What are this clown’s qualifications for the job Gillard handed him? I can’t find any at all.

  2. D.T. says:

    “What are this clown’s qualifications for the job Gillard handed him? I can’t find any at all.” re KG
    He totally fucked NSW.This is the same fuckwit that tried to suck up to my daughter when she was gang raped but she told him to fuck off ( in a nice way ).All he did was crawl to the muzzies.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    How about grenades wrapped in bacon, for breaking up unruly mobs…

  4. KG says:

    I hate to see good bacon wasted, Os. How about pork intestines? :popcorn

  5. mawm says:

    :wtf I think that I need to look at the Jobs available at the UN. The tax free salaries must be really good for so many of our already overpaid politicians looking to continue their careers there. I’m sure that I’ll easily qualify – not too much brain, no principles, a weak spine, calluses on my knees and a brown smear on my nose. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Sorry, Mawm. You still have that awkward, irritating thing called a “conscience”.
      Get that removed and apply again.
      Oh, and while you’re about it, some skin pigment and a record of snuffling at the trough would immeasurably help your chances.

      • mawm says:

        I’ve seen many “consciences” removed by the lure of unearned riches. However the correct numbers on a Saturday night……..

        • Contempt says:

          Has anyone even seen this video??? Hell it can’t be as sick as a beheading, wife beating, or kill your own child[MY GOD SICK] video.

  6. mistress mara says:

    “Just another political asshole, then?” KG, I’m just musing here on your previous posting, “The ignorant asses responsible for the kenyan klown.” Any connection here? Nah, impossible.

  7. john says:

    “Moderate islamic institutes”? :wtf
    When are these fuckwits going to realise there is no such thing.
    We have it on the authority of Turkish PM Erdogan, no less, that there is islam…period.

  8. KG says:

    ‘David Cameron explained, “it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”…’

    How do you spell Cameron? How about T.R.A.I.T.O.R. ?

  9. KG says:

    Yeah, him too. Same mindset, same sleazy lack of principles.

  10. octagongrappler says:

    We need to expose the traitors!!!! The Traitors in Government!!!The Traitors in the mass media!!! The Traitors in our Universities!! And proclaim the truth…Because thats the only thing that will set us free……. :rant

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’ve been having some really, really satisfying stoushes with a couple of dhimmis on Facebook lately, Spidy. The “I’ve lived in the M.E. and I know so many peaceful, wonderful Muslims and and and”

      They don’t really have much to say when I suggest that if those same friends are tithing at their mosque, the money they give goes directly into the hands of the wonderful Diversity Dividend animals who are cutting the heads off westerners and the private parts off little girls.

      It makes the dhimmis heads explode. Such fun! :whoop

  11. KG says:

    No it won’t–your masters and the apathetic voters don’t give a stuff about the truth.

  12. Elijah says:

    I believe that Jeff Cooper’s medicine for rioting is in order here.

    Shoot the instigator in the lungs with a few rounds of .22 solid slugs.

    Won’t kill him but it will make him think twice about trying that shit again.

  13. Phil Stephenson says:

    Bob Carr’s Labor government ran New South Wales into the ground, and enacted legislation that eroded the abilities of the New South Police Force to fight crime and street disorder effectively, (namely, the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act), as well as giving the crims and hoodlums more a free kick under the legal system, (the same act does this admirably). He is really not fit to clean the chewing gum off the bottom of the parliament house coffee tables, but he has been rewarded with an opportunity to grandstand himself on the world stage, largely because he has been a Labor Party suckhole since he joined the bunch of clowns at 15. Now, he wants to fund a website, “for Muslims to vent their anger.” Not really surprising in itself, although outragous just the same, but I wonder if there’ll be some immunity for this particular website from “hate speech” legislation. They’ll need it.

  14. KG says:

    Nooo, Phil! muslims aren’t capable of hate speech. Didn’t you get the memo?
    Signs such as “behead unbelievers” and “the real Holocaust is coming to the West” are simply post-modern irony.
    Threats to kill Westerners are a perfectly understandable reaction to years of colonial exploitation– and the stress of being dragged forcibly from a life of herding goats and buggering camels to free airconditioned housing, motor vehicles and regular welfare payments.
    Have a heart, man!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      KG, there are people in the world who actually believe such things. I regularly spar on Facebook with a few fucktards who would say such things without their tongue being in their cheek, and without rolling on the floor laughing their arse off.

      • KG says:

        :shock: You have that much time to waste, Gantt? :whoop
        Must be like trying to explain thermodynamics to a cane toad…..

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Exactly like that, KG. I’ve recently gotten into an interesting debate with one particularly fuckwitted person about the meaning of the word “indigenous”. I’ll post a screen grab, because if I transcribed it you wouldn’t believe it.

  15. KG says:

    A very, very nice job, Gantt. :lol: What strikes me is that those particular fish have no clue that they’ve just been shot. :whoop
    Invincible ignorance…….

  16. KG says:

    We could always relax the spam/troll filter and let a few through here in CR for your sport and pleasure. ??

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Absolutely not! I like that there’s at least one quiet corner of the interweb where adults can come and have grown-up conversation without yapping puppies or insolent children screaming and spitting.

  17. KG says:

    Me too. Just so long as you realize that we’re infringing their right to free speech.
    A few of the clowns have actually said that…. :shock: