‘Mainstream media is threatening our country’s future’

Patrick Caddell:
‘..But all I want to conclude to this is that we face a fundamental danger here. The fundamental danger is this: I talked about the defense of the First Amendment. The press’s job is to stand in the ramparts and protect the liberty and freedom of all of us from a government and from organized governmental power.  When they desert those ramparts and decide that they will now become active participants, that their job is not simply to tell you who you may vote for, and who you may not, but, worse—and this is the danger of the last two weeks—what truth that you may know, as an American, and what truth you are not allowed to know,  they have, then, made themselves a fundamental threat to the democracy, and, in my opinion, made themselves the enemy of the American people
And this applies all across the West.   Caddell is equally scathing of Romney and the Repub’s failure to call them out on this.

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9 Responses to ‘Mainstream media is threatening our country’s future’

  1. Ronbo says:

    I have a warm fuzzy feeling that the Leftist Media Lamestream Media is sinking faster than the U.S. economy, and if Obama fails to be reelected after this dastardly State Controlled Ministry gave its best effort to prevent this from happening, they are removed forever as a serious player in American politics.

    …and if the Drive-By Media somehow gets Obama reelected…We patriots will shoot them in the soon-to-be Second American Revolution for treason.

    Bottom Line: The Lamers are screwed. :gunner

    The Media is Dead!

    Long live the New Media!

  2. Kathleen says:

    I believe when Obama goes down the media will too. I read somewhere CNN have layoff some people so something starting.

  3. Darin says:

    When we start dragging politicians out in the street and hanging them,we must remember the media and save some rope for them too :evil:

    Now as usual they intend to steal the election by denying the Military vote-

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Just what the effing eff is that *thing* illegally occupying the White House? And why are the GOP walking on eggshells around it? :gunner :gunner :gunner

    (Andrei, I think we’re gonna need a noose smiley real soon!)

  5. Same effing thing here, it pisses me off as well, how these bastards in the media sit back and simply cheer on liar gillard and that absolute moron and sniveling weasel of a treasurer.