handing over American sovereignty to the U.N.:

‘…It should come as no surprise that President Obama will raise taxes if he is re-elected.  But here’s the shocker: He will invite the United Nations to tax Americans directly.  And the proceeds would go directly to the Third World.  In this way, Barack Obama will, indeed, realize the dreams of his father.
In our new book, “Here Come the Black Helicopters: UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom,” Eileen and I describe how there is now pending in the U.N. all kinds of plans to tax Americans and redistribute their wealth – not to other Americans – but to other countries.  These taxes will not be like our U.N. dues paid by a vote of our Congress.  Nor akin to foreign aid which we choose to give.  They would be mandatory levies imposed by treaty on American citizens.  And, since they would be enumerated in a Treaty – not an act of Congress —  only the president and the Democratic Senate need be on board.  The Republican House has no role in the Treaty-making process….’                       SOURCE

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9 Responses to handing over American sovereignty to the U.N.:

  1. Contempt says:

    Well, Morris is right I am sure. The UN is a joke of course and I will think positive that even if this shit is done, no one will comply. These globalists eliminating the United States – is there a name for them??

  2. Katie says:

    No treaty can supersede the US Constitution. In fact, this would be the catalyst that would start a second Civil War.

  3. KG says:

    The U.S. Constitution has been systematically trashed over a long period of time, by successive Administrations, unelected judges and bureaucrats.
    It is no protection whatsoever against what is being proposed.
    Anybody who thinks it is needs to wake up and do some serious reading on the subject.

  4. Fairfacts Media says:

    You know what this means, don’t you?

    Helen Clark is Dear Leader, again!

    And to think KG, you thought you would be rid of her in Oz!

    • KG says:

      Id like to drop a ten megaton bucket of Instant Sunshine ™ on the whole festering nest, Fairfacts. :twisted:

  5. Fairfacts Media says:

    Me too.
    Seems Gillard is as bad as Uncle though, if not worse.
    What is it with these leftist womyn or is it sexist to say that?

  6. KG says:

    “sexist”? Who cares what label the creeps give the truth?