Revealed: Barack Hussein’s new job after the elections:

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16 Responses to Revealed: Barack Hussein’s new job after the elections:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    He’s not qualified. Maybe he should set his sights a little more appropriately. I hear Macy’s is looking for elevator operators and shoe-shine boys.

    Unrelated: The Left fear Col. West like few other men, and now they’re putting their money where their nightmares are. Soros has started a Super-PAC and teamed up with some Demo-commie heavyweights to try and defeat him:

  2. Heltau says:

    Some one will actually GIVE him any type of job concidering what he has purposely done to American bunesses?
    I sure HOPE not. :twisted:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Of course not, Heltau. He has a visceral hatred of private enterprise.

      He will go on the speaking tour, possibly with his husband from Rev. Wright’s “Down Low Club”, and Moochelle-Antoinette will go on vacation with the daughters and mother.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    I was more thinking along the lines of something with a hoe and a field of cotton…

  4. Katie says:

    If he is lucky. Considering the $32 million home he just bought, it will take some very good tips to make THAT mortgage!

    :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

  5. Fairfacts Media says:

    Obama deliver pizza?
    Well, he’s certainly not fit enough to shine Sarah Palin’s shoes, as in that classic old picture from 2008.

  6. Barry says:

    I don’t care. The important thing is to get rid of him as president!

  7. john says:

    Where’s HPH when you need him. Pizza delivery for the chigger kompound :popcorn

  8. KG says:

    Me. In his own garbled way, Spudnut conveys some profound truths about this gangster Administration. :popcorn

  9. Alan says:

    Maybe he could find employment as a golf caddy, he spends a lot of time on
    the golf course.