Homosexuals corrupting schoolchildren..with the government’s help.

STUDENTS at 12 NSW high schools are being taught it is wrong and “heterosexist” to regard heterosexuality as the norm for human relationships.
The “Proud Schools” pilot program, implemented in 12 government schools in Sydney and the Hunter, is designed to stamp out “homophobia, transphobia (fear of transsexuals) and heterosexism”.’

Militant homosexuals don’t want acceptance–they want dominance of free speech and the “right” to propagandize schoolchildren. They’re going to piss people off to the point where queer-bashing makes a comeback and they’ll have only themselves to blame.

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13 Responses to Homosexuals corrupting schoolchildren..with the government’s help.

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Its the estrogen that is actually increasing homosexual activity and all of these anti-testosterone agents. Mens Sperm counts have halved since 1963 and this is the reason for it!

    • Darin says:

      If you live in a western city that gets it’s drinking water from a river,then yes estrogen is to blame,so are birth control pills.

      • octagongrappler says:

        Estrogen cant be removed from the water supply darin..

        • oswald bastable says:

          Reverse osmosis will take it out- or distilation.

          Best drink only stuff that has been distilled!

          • KG says:

            :mrgreen: Talisker?

            • oswald bastable says:

              That would work for me!

              • Darin says:

                OG,”Estrogen cant be removed from the water supply darin..”

                Which is my point,neither can any of the other crap in the water since sand filtration is the primary treatment method.It only removes silt and some bacteria.

                • octagongrappler says:

                  Birth control pills are actually dumbing men down in the womb and the estrogen present in the womb is damaging the part of the brain that needs testosterone.

  2. Lucia Maria says:

    It’s being taught in NZ as well, it’s just not so official.

    • MvL says:

      Quite right Lucia, except here it’s called “diversity training”.
      Queer propaganda by another name.
      I went looking and found This. :twisted:
      I really wish I hadn’t looked :twisted:

  3. K2 says:

    Ah, the next inevitable step. When the homosexual rights movement started running the “oppressed minority” script, this kind of fascism was a foregone conclusion.

  4. Katie says:

    Oh for a good old fashioned gay beating. The ability to call one or more a fag. The ability to call them deviants. Soon I pray, soon.

  5. John H says:

    Poofter Paradise? A festival of faggots…..