Proof that Obama, Dempsey and Panetta are liars

who stood by and watched Americans being killed, then lied about it afterwards. And the media says almost nothing……

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4 Responses to Proof that Obama, Dempsey and Panetta are liars

  1. Liars and TRAITORS!!

  2. D.T. says:

    But nothing will happen to Barry and shillary.The bottom line is, like all polititians ,they may get sacked but they will live off the public teat till for the rest of their lives.

  3. sbk says:

    “And the media says almost nothing……”..and hence has become nothing…witness Fair”facts” freeFall…lucky i Dont own stock :whoop

    …all Hail the New King…the humble soap box owner. :popcorn

    PS.welcome back KG……..choppers…iroqouis..casual and low =”fuck this” for a game of soldiers . :cheers