
It doesn’t take long for the opportunist charlatans and taxpayer-funded leeches to crawl out of the woodwork, does it?
‘Sandy worsened by climate change: report’

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6 Responses to horsecrap!

  1. Pascal says:

    When I saw the Drudge headline Gore blames ‘global warming’… for Hurricane Sandy, I posted my Groundhog Day honorific for him as a reminder.
    along with the following caption.

    This is the same “man” who is nowhere to be found on February 2, the day we remember he is always scarce when it is cold out.

  2. Through all this, none of these cretins have thought to ask obama why did sandy happen, wasn’t he supposed to calm the seas and all that. It’s what he said.

  3. Darin says:

    “The evidence suggests that climate change exacerbated the severity of Hurricane Sandy,”

    Bullshit,if the severity had been exacerbated it would have been classed a category 2 or 3 storm instead of the strong category 1 storm it was.Let’s get this straight no more or less energy is present in these storms than they produce by measurable data.There is no magic Pixie dust or Unicorn farts hidden in those numbers.

    They also fail to mention the frontal boundary it merged with that supplied it with humid air coming in off the Gulf of Mexico.I won’t even get into the fact that the storm surge was amplified by the storm coming in at high tide with a fairly fast rate of forward travel.

  4. mistress mara says:

    Darin, you and I know that logic and reason have nothing to do with this global warming “debate.” Its time will pass like all other doom scenarios. I wonder what catastrophe will overtake it? And when. Soon, I think.

  5. KG says:

    Not Darin says:
    Problem is, Mara, AGW offers a heaven-sent opportunity for a massive re-distribution of wealth and has nothing whatsoever to do with the truth. They won’t give it up any time soon.

  6. Darin says:

    Mara I believe that the Green scam IS the next catastrophe.It’s done nothing but enslave and impoverish the masses.