Open house

Too hot here to be bothered doing much except drink beer.

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72 Responses to Open house

  1. Robervdl says:

    So Global Warming would make us drink more beer. What is bad about that ?

  2. Ronbo says:

    “Too hot here to be bothered doing much except drink beer.”

    I’ll drink to that! :popcorn

  3. KG says:


  4. Darin says:

    Soros Think tank recomends military benifit cuts.Typical Commie filth :evil:

  5. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Beer time will be 16:30 NZST Wednesday watching Fox news.

    • KG says:

      It sure will,Sci Fi! I’m particularly interested in the results from Virginia as they come in.

  6. jonno1 says:

    Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on a park bench one morning.

    The 87-year-old had just finished his morning jog and wasn’t even short of breath. The 80-year-old was amazed at the guy’s stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy. The 87-year-old said, “Well, I eat rye bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you’ll have great stamina with the ladies.”

    So, on the way home the 80-year-old stopped at the bakery. As he was looking around, the saleslady asked if he needed any help. He said, “Do you have any rye bread?” She said, “Yes, there’s a whole shelf of it. Would you like some?”

    He said, “I want five loaves.”

    She said, “My goodness, five loaves! By the time you get to the 3rd loaf, it’ll be hard.”

    He replied, “I can’t believe everybody knows about this shit but me.”

  7. jonno1 says:

    I have a little Satnav
    It sits there in my car
    A Satnav is a driver’s friend
    It tells you where you are

    I have a little Satnav
    I’ve had it all my life
    It’s better than the normal ones
    My Satnav is my wife

    It gives me full instructions
    Especially how to drive
    “It’s fifty k’s an hour”, it says
    “You’re doing fifty-five”

    It tells me when to stop and start
    And when to use the brake
    And tells me that it’s never ever
    Safe to overtake

    It tells me when a light is red
    And when it goes to green
    It seems to know instinctively
    Just when to intervene

    It lists the vehicles just in front
    And all those to the rear
    And taking this into account
    It specifies my gear

    I’m sure no other driver
    Has so helpful a device
    For when we leave and lock the car
    It still gives its advice

    It fills me up with counselling
    Each journey’s pretty fraught
    So why don’t I exchange it
    And get a quieter sort?

    Ah well, you see, it cleans the house,
    Makes sure I’m properly fed,
    It washes all my shirts and things
    And keeps me warm in bed!

    Despite all these advantages
    And my tendency to scoff,
    I do wish that once in a while…
    I could turn the damned thing off!

  8. KG says:
    30,000+ Rally for Romney in Pennsylvania
    People Walk Out on Obama at Virginia Rally

    Ryan Draws Huge Crowd inMinnesota

    Poll: Romney Up 1 in Michigan
    National Dance for Obama Day Draws 12 People
    Media Report 20K at Obama Milwaukee Event … in 12K Arena
    Shock: Journalists Found Donating Heavily to Obama Campaign

  9. Darin says:

    Looks like Ohio and Pennsylvania will come down to the graveyard vote turnout.

  10. Contempt says:
    Why parents should not give their children common names anymore.

    It looks like there are a series of videos to be found at this site.

  11. Sci Fi Guy says:

    God, listening to Hosking at the mo, every freakin commentator he has on calls it for Obama.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      He’s a sneering, snivelling, smug arsehole, Sci Fi. I want to believe he’s just pushing it so hard because he has a wager on with Leighton Smith. But you’re right. A statistician from Columbia who claims the polls don’t skew Dem. Now he’s talking to some North-Eastern blueblood about who’s run the best campaign.

      Fucking Journo-list strike again!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Really? This nobody (likely someone from Harvard Law) Hosking is interviewing now suggests the Republican Party has moved far, far to the Right of most Americans.

        Most Americans outside of Manhattan Island, Boston and Los Angeles, more like.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        There ya go. She was from the Harvard Kennedy School.

        No bias there!

        And now Hosking and his fuckwit producer are talking about how Obama “saved” the auto industry and Romney put his dog on his car.

        Obama ATE a fucking dog you morons!!!!!! :rant

  12. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Been getting pics from Romney’s final appearances on Twitter, HUGE crowds, they had to do panorama shots, not like Bambi’s staged ones. Fuck, how bad did Springstein sound. Rasmussen still has Romney in he lead. Will Chris Matthews get leg tingles or just wee himself?, will CNN call it early for Bambi and look like tools? KG we may need an Election thread tomorrow.

  13. Sci Fi Guy says:

    John Nolte from Breitbart is just going bat-shit over the polls. Awesome.

  14. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Far Right? Romney is a moderate. Wait till Allen West gets a promotion, they’ll shit themselves.

  15. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Bolton would probably tell Europe/UN to go fuck themselves and tear up ‘the line’ for the mid-east and replace it with ‘or else’, then let West loose with what he needs.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Then set about kicking the UN out of NYC.

      Which is the best reason yet why it should be him!

  16. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Who could we have as The Czar for ‘Putting the bastards in prison who have pissed me off and betrayed the country for the last 4 years’?

  17. mistress mara says:

    Redbaiter and the mistress. Say no more!! :mrgreen:

  18. KG says:

    :cheers :whoop

  19. The Gantt Guy says:


    SecState, SecDef, SecInt.

    That’s just Redbaiter.

    Mistress Mara: Shoes & Handbags, Whips & Chains Czar. General Secretary in charge of Crime & Punishment.

  20. Darin says:

    Well I have just done it.I have sent my application into the Romney select team stating my desire to get in on the ground floor in the new administration.

    I proposed President elect Romney give me command of an Ohio class Missile Sub and in return I would be his go to guy when certain diplomatic situations arise and need to be …….uh….resolved,ya…that’s it resolved :popcorn

  21. Sci Fi Guy says:

    So really, if they counted all the military votes first Romney would win before the actual polls opened? That’s if they didn’t get ‘Lost’.

  22. KG says:

    What military votes? Military votes? Where?

  23. The Gantt Guy says:

    Wow. I stick by my prediction that Romney is going to win be a fucking LANDSLIDE…

    And here are some words of wisdom from Michael Walsh: CRUSH THEM!!!

    “In retrospect, of course, William Jefferson Blythe III was Pericles of Athens compared to Barack Obama, who far more than Clinton has revealed the true face of contemporary American left-liberalism in all its coercive ugliness: a blizzard of executive orders; the deployment of the regulatory agencies that have (in the words of the Declaration of Independence) “sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance”; and the naked Marxist appeals to race and class envy. The most anti-American of American presidents has run the most un-American of campaigns.”

    “…should Romney win, he can’t simply assume the vote was a mandate for putting America back to work, and then do his corporate-turnaround thing. If he wins, if his victory is beyond the margin of David Axelrod’s ability to cheat, Mitt needs to understand that a considerable portion of his vote was not only anti-Obama but anti-Obamaism, that it was a repudiation of everything the Marxist Left and its bien-pensant fellow travelers in the media stand for.”

    • mawm says:

      Axelrod was on Fox last night………what a slimy piece of shit! :shock:

      I bet he’s busy, along with all his union thugs, stuffing ballot boxes as fast as he can. They have already ‘calibrated’ the electronic voting machines to change a Romney vote to a Obama one. :censor

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Plenty of reports of the voting machines switching votes. Curious how it always makes a GOP vote into a Dem one, ain’t it?

        I note Mr PotatoHead has been quiet the past day or so. They must be busy in the chigger compound filling out voting cards for Axelrod to stuff into ballot boxes.

        • KG says:

          Francis Porretto, who knows a thing or two about this stuff, points out that there’s no such thing as “re-calibrating” digital systems, Gantt.
          So the tale that the machines had to be recalibrated to fix the “problem” is all crap.
          In short, it looks like they’re programmed to steal a certain percentage of the Republican votes. :shock:

          • mawm says:

            It seems as if the Obama ‘window” extends into Romney’s. :censor

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            I spend my days as a Program Manager delivering IT systems projects. I spend my nights (when not at Crusader Rabbit engaged in vibrant conversation with intelligent adults) writing software programs. For fun. That’s a roundabout way of saying I have some small expertise in this topic.

            I agree with Mr Porretto that it is simply nonsense that a computer program which is essentially very simple (one of two possible results from the single action it is required to perform) can at random decode incorrectly which lever has been pulled. The only possibility is that the hardware is flakey in that the levers sometimes send an incorrect result (unlikely, and certainly not at random) or the software has been written to deliberately change a certain proportion of results, or to change one vote in every ‘n’ results (much like one-armed-bandits or “pokies” work), for one candidate, into a vote for the other.

            In short, it is but one arm of the Democrats’ vote-fraud machine.

            • KG says:

              “…it is but one arm of the Democrats’ vote-fraud machine.”
              Good pun, Gantt. :mrgreen:

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                See, that’s what I’m talking about. Intelligent grown-ups. Most folks elsewhere would have missed that one!

                • Darin says:

                  “Axelrod was on Fox last night………what a slimy piece of shit!”

                  Mawm,you haven’t heard the half of it.He more than anybody else was responsible for Obama’s political rise in Illinois.All of it done through slimy mafia type dirty work.

  24. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Shit Keith you are so close to the truth at this point it’s not even funny. Bambi wins and ‘promises’ that he will look into it during his next term, but he will be too busy turning the US into a satellite state of Europe.

  25. mistress mara says:

    Given that Barry Hussein courted a 16 trillion $ debt, is a marxist muslim mulatto with a chip the size of Kenya on his shoulder, why is it that he may be re-elected? Yes, the Gantt Guy, the MSM is bien pensant towards the “saviour” and yes, it is an influence, but if some of us can see past the obvious bullshit, why are so many people blinded or apathetic? heh, no answer required; I already know. Just venting.
    Your suggestion for my next job? MATE, I’d do it with a big discount for volume. :popcorn Actually I’d do it pro bono as a societal benefit.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’ll send the Romney transition team a recommendation.

      Problem is, the Truth & Reconciliation, Waitangi Tribunal, Crime & Punishment type kangaroo courts are the purview of the Left. We are not into retribution, more’s the pity.

      • Darin says:

        “We are not into retribution, more’s the pity.”

        Tonto and the Lone Ranger were being chased by a hostile Indian tribe one day when by the worst luck they rode into a box canyon with no way out.

        Realising their fate the Lone Ranger says “well Tonto looks like we are in big trouble this time”

        To which Tonto replied “What do you mean “WE” Whiteman?” :mrgreen:

  26. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Now is this the same Tonto played by white liberal Johnny Depp?

  27. mawm says:

    KG – This should get you through a few creeks come wet season. :mrgreen:

    • Darin says:

      Those are getting rare over here,still plenty of the smaller M37s around though.

    • KG says:

      Oh my! I WANT one!
      On second thoughts, we need one. We’re off to Charters Towers on Friday and the forecast is for thunderstorms which means a couple of flooded creeks at least. The responsible thing to do would be to trade the Hilux 4WD on one of those. I’ll speak to the CFO.