You mean, just like parts of Paris and Dearborn and London and Malmo?

‘Thugs wearing the black T-shirts of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party are carrying out attacks on immigrant markets and in public squares, according to the United Nations, with victims speaking of areas in the capital which are now strictly off limits….’
Not quite so “understandable” or forgivable when the tables are turned, eh?

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10 Responses to You mean, just like parts of Paris and Dearborn and London and Malmo?

  1. Ronbo says:

    Although I detest the fucking Nazis, I must say I’m playing the world’s most small violin over this latest “outrage” – “Hey Leftists and Islamists, what comes around, goes around.” :twisted:

  2. Are you referring to Dearborn, Michigan US- the city that ‘allowed’ the first LOUD -speakered -muslim ‘prayers’ –several times a day!!
    That DEARBORN!!
    Where Christians are brutalized by muslims w/ police standing by doing nothing–

    I can only hope that some group has found the where- with – all to be ‘enraged’–

  3. Fairfacts Media says:

    Will these black t-shirted fascists start raping immigrant women and grooming their young girls?

    • KG says:

      They haven’t slid that far down the scale of humanity yet, Fairfacts. ;-)
      I expect when they do, the government will support them with more taxpayer money and the media will ignore it. (/sarc)

  4. mistress mara says:

    Inevitable. Interesting but not surprising.

  5. KG says:

    Inevitable too, that any and all opposition to multiculturalism and cultural genocide would be labelled “fascist”, and of course imposing those two things on a reluctant population isn’t fascist. Nossir.

  6. Darin says:

    Racial backlash is a bitch ain’t it? :popcorn