Victor Davis Hanson

hits one out of the park!

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9 Responses to Victor Davis Hanson

  1. Darin says:

    Well that pretty much covers it! :grin:

  2. Seneca III says:

    This election will tell us whether or not America is now in the same sinking ship as the UK and Europe; specifically, that when the demographic of a sovereign nation governed by those who are elected through the application of an unearned universal franchise changes such that the biomass of parasites and predators comes to outnumber the net contributors and patriots then any government so elected will have no alternative but to bleed the net contributors dry and silence or kill the patriots in order that it will itself sustain.

    By such means is the fiscal, moral and cultural wealth of a free nation state first drained and then consigned to history. Yet again.
    Seneca III :gunner

    • Ronbo says:


      The Roman Republic existed for over 500 years before it died in the civil wars.

      The American Republic – which modeled itself on the Roman Republic – has existed for 223 years.

      … clearly we have a few more years before we get to the empire period. :mrgreen:

      • Seneca III says:

        Ronbo, historical point taken and I do so hope it holds so for the present. We here are already pretty much lost and I would in no way wish our parlous state on the cousins. I truly hope that Obama and his treacherous coterie are consigned to the dustbin of history and remain so forever.

        However if, and I did imply if, the tipping point has been passed in the US and the Blightbringer is re-elected what then I ask?

        Rgds, SIII

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    The video at this post is about the best recruiting advert for Conservatism I’ve ever seen…

    It also shows why the evil Obama MUST be stopped tomorrow!