oh, FFS! Get an effing life!

‘Veteran actor Ian McKellen has told Prime Minister John Key his “careless” use of the word “gay” as a criticism could damage lives..’
Harden up, you stupid old poofter–you lot co-opt a word to describe your deviant behaviour, then presume to dictate how it should be used. That this is headlines in a national news outlet speaks volumes about the trivial crap which passes for ‘news’ in the media.

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14 Responses to oh, FFS! Get an effing life!

  1. Urban Redneck says:

    This chap featured on Campbell Live once and stated that when entering a hotel room for the first time, he seeks out the Bible in the drawer and rips out the page containing Leviticus 18:22.

    Sensitive much?

  2. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Yesterday my son told his big sis that her music was GAY, that the boys who are in these bands are GAY and quite frankly “they suck” (funny also a GAY term). I respect Sir Ian as an actor immensely but for fucks sake using the term GAY for things which are, well, not in the norm for males is actually fucking funny and quite frankly the only people who are up in arms are GAY. Ooooohhh you HETROSEXUAL meanies. Key should be able to get away with it because really he is a fucking socialist and therefore GAY anyway. GO MITT!!!

  3. mistress mara says:

    McKellen is a good actor and a raving fucking queen. I am OFFENDED by his defence of sodomy!! Anybody out there listening? Thought not. One way traffic,these days.
    Who will compensate me for my OFFENDED feelings? Who will pay for the counselling? :roll :roll :roll :roll :roll :roll

  4. KG says:


  5. It wasn’t that long ago gay meant colourful or cheerful or something.
    The meaning of words change all the time and I am not offended by this latest use of the word gay, though I find its latest meaning a little odd.
    Sir Ian needs to worry about more pressing issues such as the plight of homosexuals in muslim countries.
    And the media should find better things to report on than to fanny around with tittle tattle .
    Now, have I upset anyone with my use of the word fanny? :)

  6. Darin says:

    We can’t use “Gay”anymore?

    Well how about Fudge Bumper?Ass stabber?Butt Pirate?

  7. KG says:

    I’ve never liked the term “gay”–words should mean what they say. I’ve noticed that increasingly, when I use the word “homosexual” people look at me as though I microwave babies or something…….
    Who controls language, controls thought and I’ll be damned if any special-interest group is going to control mine.

    • Darin says:

      I noticed that certain phrases used to accurately descibe a situation or crime are often missing words.Like in the media you will never see homosexual used in defining a male child molester who targets boys.

  8. KG says:

    I’ve never been especially hostile towards homosexuals, my position is largely one of utter indifference.
    But that changes real fast when I meet a militant specimen, because I expect to be afforded the same courtesy and militants aren’t content with that.

    • Darin says:

      Same here,what two consenting adults do behind closed doors is between them and God.If it’s out in public or down right criminal that’s a whole different thing.

  9. Sci Fi Guy says:

    They think they are special. They’re not. That should be the end of it.