The logical, inevitable endpoint of racist socialism:

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12 Responses to The logical, inevitable endpoint of racist socialism:

  1. mawm says:

    One cannot say more than those images show. :cry:

    It has been the story of post colonial Africa……….and will be a lot worse for the ‘noble savage’ once the red dragon gets it’s claws into every last corner of that beautiful continent.

  2. Darin says:

    For the life of me I don’t understand,but when one man with a good rifle could make Mugabe’s head into a Canoe,why hasn’t anybody just up and done it?

  3. mawm says:

    Darin, my uncle used to have an office that overlooked the Prime Minister’s office. Ian Smith would come out at lunch time, speak to the passersby, shake their hands on the way to his old Peugot 504 and get driven home by his driver.

    Change of goverment – the ‘people’s choice’ would be hustled out amid a dozen or so armed bodyguards into a limo bracketed by military troop trucks and motorbike outriders. (Now you see where Obama learned). Still I’m surprised that nobody has taken a pot at him.

    • Ronbo says:


      Speaking of a real “man of the people” like Ian Smith reminds me of Harry Truman, who used to take an early morning walk around the White House, often without security guards.

      My father in 1946 was just recently discharged from the U.S. Army at Ft. Meade, Maryland after the European campaign, where he had served with the 101st Airborne Division, and was in Washington, D.C. in the early morning hours waiting for a train to carry back home to Florida.

      So dad and a war buddy decided to do a walking tour of the federal complex and wandered at some point to a sidewalk near the White House where they observed a very familiar looking older man approach them at a gallop.

      “I will be damned!” said my dad’s friend,” that’s old Harry Truman up ahead, what do we do, Claude? You are the sergeant.”

      Dad said, “Well he is the Commander In Chief of Armed Forces and we are in uniform, so let’s come to attention, salute our commander and wish him good morning.”

      This the two young soldiers did and Truman returned their snappy salutes and responded without stopping his quick walk, “Every morning without a fucking war going on is a very good morning, gentlemen! Thank you for your honorable service to the nation!”

      My father said to his pal as Truman and several reporters who trailed behind him disappeared into the distance – “I wonder if he knew we are Republicans?” :mrgreen:

  4. Robervdl says:

    A Time for Choosing