Imported filth:

NZ Herald:
‘A man who subjected a woman to an overnight pack rape in a garage has been sentenced to 16 years in prison.
Abdinor Abdi, 29, from Mt Roskill appeared in the High Court at Auckland today after previously being found guilty of rape, being a party to rape, abduction and threats to kill.
…Another man, Mohamed Bashir, 25, was also convicted of the rapes and will be sentenced later today.
…..Abdi’s lawyer Peter Kaye appealed to the court for a merciful sentence and said his client had said he was sorry for the position that the victim found herself in.’

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33 Responses to Imported filth:

  1. Mike says:

    Four men with a mohammed co-efficient of at least 25%. I’d be worried about this if I wasn’t being constantly told that their culture is as good as ours.

    • KG says:

      We can relax, Mike, even if the coefficient is 100%.
      It’s the “religion” of peace. And unicorns and fairy dust and everything.

  2. Katie says:

    If after the first rape they threw these pieces of human scum back to the Hellholes they came from wouldn’t it have prevented the rape of that woman?

  3. Carole says:

    DEPORT Never, ever to return!!!

  4. MvL says:

    “His client had said he was sorry for the position that the victim found herself in.”
    So it was pretty much her fault then? :twisted:

  5. mawm says:

    The poor woman. :sad:

    Maybe the punisment should be extended beyond the perpetrators and to their community. The military know how to deal with this short of shit. Punish the group………and they will punish the individuals more than the legal system will. :gunner :gunner :gunner

    • KG says:

      Exactly! But leftards are absolutely opposed to collective punishment (when applied to their favourite “victim” groups.) So it’ll never happen, sadly.

  6. Barry says:

    The politicians who let these two ugly pigs into Australia should go to prison

  7. Barry says:

    Sorry – I meant into NZ

  8. KG says:

    Pretty much the same either side of the Tasman, Barry. :x
    And no politician or judge will ever go to prison for the forseeable consequences of their actions.
    That’s for us, the little people, the mere peasants whose job it is to keep them in ease and comfort. :rant

  9. What do they expect; importing people who are culturally polar opposites to New Zealanders? No New Zealand woman wants them, so all they can do is rape. Didn’t they even consider this when they started their multi-cultural utopia? I worked in Saudi Arabia for one year a while back and I was lucky as my wife was with me, but guys without wives went bat-shit nuts as there wasn’t any outlet for them, namely no women. The same applies to these guys here. Will these pinheads ever wake up?

  10. KG says:

    “Will these pinheads ever wake up?”
    Trick question, right?

  11. Additional note: A couple of months back when Muslims were rioting in Sydney over some silly American video, out liberal pinheads didn’t ask one question about our immigration policy, not a one. What are they thinking? Muslims are savages in their own countries, and now they are savages here. Dutch politician Geert Wilders says the problem is leftist belief in cultural relativism. I kind of understand what he means, but I can’t quite get a handle on the meaning of the concept.

    • KG says:

      I think what it means, Conservative, is that the left doesn’t think that blacks, Arabs or any other designated victim group should be held to the same standards as civilized Western white males.

      • Actually, I just found a site that explains it very well. Cultural relativists suggest there is no absolute right or wrong; what’s right in one country can be wrong in another; therefore, there is no absolute right or wrong.
        What a lot of crap; in other words, they are saying these thugs are the same as us.

  12. KG says:


  13. Darin says:

    Then there is also the fact that the civilian population has been disarmed and forbidden to defend themselves.A .38 snub nosed revolver would have put the woman on an equal footing with her attackers.It’s been said that rape and armed robbery is akin to two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for lunch,the sheep fairs better in the discussion if it’s packing heat ;-)

    Always remember,Police are first responders,they are responding to something that has already happened,in an armed robbery or rape most times all they can do is call for an Ambulance or the Coroner,sad,but this is the reality as it really exists.

  14. Tom says:

    16 years jail means of course 8 years in reality,then on to the benefit, house supplied then breed more of the same animals for the taxpayer to support.Fucking hopeless govt.

  15. mistress mara says:

    The Judge noted that Bashir’s views on women were “dangerous for society.” No shit sherlock! Ya don’t miss much do ya Judge. O jolly good then, moving along ….. Next … SPIT!

  16. The Gantt Guy says:

    It’s probably a breach of their (sub) yooman rites to demand they be deported back to their shite-hole of origin.

    Or to demand they undergo “diversity” training (in fact, I bloody certain that’s a breach of their yooman rites)

    Is it a breach to demand the removal of their peckers with a rusty bread knife? Because that’s about as close as I can get to imagining an appropriate punishment.

  17. sbk says:

    Sorry…slightly off topic..but in “Mt Roskill” the definition of a state house is somewhere to park two or more gas guzzling V6 SUVs…dont believe me…take a drive alomg Stoddard Rd after 10am…shit…most of us park our cars at work.!!.

    …but as a rule…i would gladly travel across the city in the dead of night to pick up a female relative…than have someone send her home in a taxi.

  18. mistress mara says:

    sbk …. I did that for my daughter for a while until she was fully trained in CHOOSING the taxi she came home in. Who wouldn’t? BTW, would devout muslims let their daughters hail cabs driven by infidels?

  19. D.T. says:

    You hit the nail right on the head Tom.The 16 years will be lucky to go 8 years.One of my daughter’s rapists is on weekend release because of ” good behaviour”and he gets released early next year. As I stated in a TV interview of course he has behaved in gaol as there are no “skip” females for him to rape. I promised myself if some crim desides to do anything against a member of my family in the future I will execute the lowlife myself and fuck the system.

  20. starboard says:

    candidates for a long slow painful death if you ask me, after being sodomised with barbed wire off course… :cheers

  21. Darin says:

    Woodchipper! :twisted: