Open house

And to kick it off…..what’s with casting that sawn-off runt Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher??  Could there have been a worse choice?  Eddie Izzard would be more convincing.

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85 Responses to Open house

  1. Darin says:

    Something you will never see in the msm,seems cutting taxes boosts revenue into the government and Obama even admits it :popcorn

    • KG says:

      Raising taxes is pandering to his base and to hell with the damage it causes. :rant

      • Michael McKee says:

        It’s called the GDP multiplier and economic history teaches us its’ effects.

        From memory the multiplier result from tax cuts averages 7 – 8 times higher than increases in central government spending.


  2. Contempt says:

    American Civil War timeline plus plenty of photos.
    In Nov-Dec 1863 was the seige of Knoxville, Tennessee. A fellow in the Knoxville area took me to several notable locations around Knoxville. It is always best when visiting battlefields to have a knowledgeable guide.

    • KG says:

      Nice site. Thanks, Contempt.
      I’d love to visit those places someday, but it doesn’t look very likely now. :sad:

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    Tom cruise FFS! Reminds me of a monty python skit where they had the lead actor with great boxes tied to his feet and the leading lady walking in a ditch next to him…

      • Phil Stephenson says:

        I’m not even sure who Eddie Izzard, is but I can’t see Cruise being too convincing as an arse-kicking six foot seven inch former major in the US Military Police. Maybe the movie version will focus on Reacher getting in touch with his feminine side. I could imagine Nick Nolte in the role, when he was a lot younger, but I can’t think of anyone else these days. Tom Cruise? I thought the casting couch days were over.

  4. I know, I know…Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher??

    The part belongs to William H. Macy!

  5. KG says:

    Heh! Via Col. B. Bunny over at Bastion of Liberty:
    ‘Europeans, of course, shudder at the idea [of a society that would celebrate Anders Behring Breivik], but they have brought those tens of thousands of Breiviks into their own societies through Muslim immigration and Saudi and Iranian mosques. And they have turned over the Middle East to the sort of men who make Breivik look like a schoolboy…’

  6. Oswald Bastable says:

    So many toys, so little money!

    • KG says:

      Oh yes!!
      “we do not encourage people to…..”
      Hell, I do! Thousands of armed citizen-drones would be a great way to go. :mrgreen: :popcorn

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “The theory made perfect sense to me and still does. But it hasn’t worked out as we were led to expect. Market signals have not led much investment into products of higher value. “

      Right there, with those 3 sentences, Roughan demonstrates he has absolutely no understanding of either “markets” or “signals”.

      House prices are ludicrously high in Auckland because of both “markets” and “signals”. Land is kept in artificially short supply, and is therefore expensive. It is nigh-on impossible to build anything (for example) on the wasteland between Albany and Silverdale, because it is outside the Metropolitan-Urban Limit. I’m still not sure why – it’s all top-quality, high-use short-supply … clay!

      He complains that property remains the only investment most of us trust, but again fails to understand the concept of “market” “signals”. The depositor guarantee extended not just to banks, but to second-tier lenders (Dorchester, the Hubbards and dozens of others) incentivised them to make highly risky gambles because there was no downside – the deposits being taxpayer-guaranteed meant the risk was socialised. The stock market remains moribund – the last decent play of any note was when shares in Charlie’s Juices gained 200% immediately before the sale to Asahi was announced … and that was more than 2 years ago!

      New Zealand does *not* need more people. As if tipping in more of the flotsam and jetsam from the Third World will magically make NZ into some kind of multi-cultural utopia where everyone drives a BMW and has a house with a swimming pool. Leave it to leftists to make a mess of things!

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        What we *should* be doing is turning the whole place into Galt’s Gulch. Encourage “men of the mind” to flee here.

        In fact, we could do a version of Ju-Liar Giltard’s Malaysian people-swap deal: we will give 4 of our multi-culturally enriched clipboard-carrying OH&S inspectors, plus 1 refugee and 1 stoned Native for every 1 person who can demonstrate a love of liberty and personal responsibility.

        • KG says:

          “What we *should* be doing is turning the whole place into Galt’s Gulch. Encourage “men of the mind” to flee here.”
          YES YES YES!!!

  7. KG says:

    :vomit :vomit :vomit :vomit

  8. octagongrappler says:

    And the jews can then demand kiwis be multicultural but not Israel!! When will you guys see that Israel actually demands the EU have open boarders but not them??

    • KG says:

      We do see it. And we see the reasons why. And I don’t recall Israel “demanding” the EU have open borders.

  9. KG says:

    Japanese and Chinese people also settle in NZ and Australia, but we’re not free to buy land and houses in their countries. And they don’t even have the excuse of immigrants posing an existential threat.

  10. KG says:

    Wild weather here, strong wind, thunder and lightning. And the little feral cat I tamed is curled up in a chair on the veranda watching the scene, as cool as you please. :popcorn

  11. KG says:

    ‘Two Bay of Plenty iwi have been given a multimillion-dollar treaty settlement for the suffering they endured when the Crown brought war to the region in the 1860s.’

    • john says:

      Yessiree, it was all one big love fest in that antipodean Garden of Eden, then Whitey came along…

      • KG says:

        riiiight…and whitey had the nerve to stop them cooking their daughters. Nasty buggers, eh?
        The worst bit about this is the “co-governance” bullshit. Key and co are handing over that which they have no right to, and handing it over to bastards who have been paid again and again, grovelled to and pandered to at the expense of working Kiwis. :rant

  12. KG says:

    Yegods! If you can stand the stench, PMofNZ has a leftard commenter who is the perfect example of invincible ignorance. A fuckwit so dense it doesn’t have any way of knowing just how stupid it is, yet it still has a political opinion. Trash like this ought to be thrown out with the garbage, not hosted in blog comments.

    • Anonymous says:

      Notice how people like him are up in arms about about ‘right wing policies’ and lack of gun control, yet when a scum bag middle-eastern terrorist jumps on a bus and blows up 20 innocents they still perversely twist it to be Americas fault.

      • Sci Fi Guy says:

        Sorry, that was me.

        • KG says:

          SciFi, I just can’t bring myself to argue with idiots like that any more. They don’t deserve a polite, considered response because they’re either too dimwitted to process it, or too dishonest to be interested in the truth.
          And nobody who belongs to an ideology which supports and defends the killing of vast numbers of unborn children has any right to pretend shock and horror when another twenty or so are murdered.
          But then, to people like that, the twenty+ murdered are useful political capital……they’re just not honest enough to admit it.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The scariest thing is not that it has a political opinion, but that it has a vote!

  13. KG says:

    Australia’s is wallowing in the Sandy Hook shooting–the coverage is nauseating. Now we have a huge headline:
    ‘A petition posted on the White House’s official online forum calling on the Obama Administration to limit access to guns, has topped 113,076 signatures.’
    113,00. In a country of 300 million people. And the clowns who pass for journalists can’t see what the numbers are saying……

    • Darin says:

      But 700,000 can sign petition to succeed from the Union and it’s ignored.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      You should have heard Hosking on NewstalkZB this morning. It was (a) completely uninformed (he was still banging on about the President “weeping”) and (b) hysterical, emotional Progressive bullshit.

  14. KG says:

    You being a dad and stuff, how about you do the “Happy Christmas” post for CR?
    Me and Gecko don’t do Christmas at all.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Glad to! Nervous about making the step up to the “big time”, but I’ll try not to embarrass myself! :cheers :popcorn :cheers :cheers :cheers

      • KG says:

        :cheers :mrgreen: Thanks. Just ignore the hecklers, son, and you’ll be fine. :popcorn

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          You want a “Merry Christmas” post, or a “Happy Holidays” one?

          Don’t want to go offending any of our tent-wearing, goat-raping co-citizens do we?

  15. KG says:

    :shock: We don’t? Since when?

  16. KG says:

    hmm…only 23c here, after a wild night. And we got some much needed rain. :smile:
    We’re off to a place near the Simpson Desert, on the back road to Alice Springs for a couple of days tomorrow, so hopefully there’ll be a few pics.

  17. The Gantt Guy says:

    “I’m operating under the assumption that the people operating the United States are determined to destroy the United States as we know it. And they’re succeeeding.”

    • KG says:

      I’ll make it a post, Gantt.
      If it flies like a crow, sounds like a crow and looks like a’s a crow. (Joh Bjelke Petersen)

  18. MvL says:

    The Blogger’s Rules For Defeating Liberals.
    Lessons for us all….not only Bloggers. :mrgreen:

  19. St Hubbins says:

    This actor is the closest I’ve seen to how I imagine Jack Reacher in real life. His name is Chance Kelly:

    The voice could be a bit deeper, but he has the physical presence for sure.

    You may recognise him from last week’s episode of “Homeland” – he played a CIA officer.

  20. KG says:

    Thanks St.H.
    I can only think the dwarf got the part because of Hollywood politics. :sad:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Like Alan Alda getting the party of Republican Presidential candidate in The West Wing.

      Oh, hang on … the GOP are using that as a blueprint for candidate selection these days! :vomit

      • KG says:

        They sure are. The Republican Party is very nearly as much the enemy as the Dems. Worse, in some ways because they get in the way of real opposition to the statists. :rant

        • Darin says:

          The Republican party is split in my state power wise.Half is Teaparty and the other Statists controlled establishment Repubs that sell us out to the highest bidder.

    • KG says:

      But will it make any real difference, Darin? Japanese politics is a weird and semi-opaque business, to wabbits at least.

      • Darin says:

        Maybe,maybe not,but I did find this interesting-

        “He has already suggested there is a need for Japan to arm itself with nuclear weapons, expand the military and revise the pacifist constitution.”

        Japan very nearly went nuclear a few years back,with China throwing it’s weight around they may just do it this time.

  21. KG says:

    :grin: Japan? Nukes? I’m all for it. In the event of hostilities between Japan and China, it might just save the West from being dragged in.

  22. KG says:

    Well, for nukes to make standing armies obsolete, there first has to be the will to use them. And I doubt any “leader” in the West has it.
    Scratch ‘doubt”–I’m damn sure they don’t, even if we were nuked first.

  23. KG says:

    I can think of a few places that would benefit greatly from the application of a bucket of Instant Sunshine.&#0153

  24. The Gantt Guy says:

    The communist terrorist Mandela outed:

    What a shame this wasn’t known decades ago.

    • KG says:

      It was. But nobody was listening.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        No, but but isn’t Nelson like a saint or whatever? Didn’t he single-handedly change South Africa from like a rrrraaaaaccccciiiiiisssstttt place into like a democratic utopia with flowery meadows and rainbow skies and rivers made of chocolate, where the children dance and laugh and play with gumdrop smiles?

        I mean, there was that cool song about him and everything, right?

        Oh wait, I’ve been reading too much NZ Herald again. Sorry. :vomit

  25. KG says:

    I share your nausea. :sad:
    Incredibly, there are still fuckwits who regard the toad as a saint!